Human Library

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1 hour

External Cost



The Human Library Organization (2000). The Human Library

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  1. User krisacheson's profile picture krisacheson 12:11 am 19 May 2020

    I have participated in the Human Library project several times now in various roles and have found it very rewarding each time. As a "reader", I enjoy hearing stories about the lives of those who have had very different experiences than I have known. It is powerful to sit face to face with "books" and hear about the life they lived and what impact their experiences have had on their sense of self and relationships with others. There is a wonderful opportunity for connection there builds empathy and perspective-taking skills, along with active listening skills. As a "book", I also have enjoyed this event but it is much more draining; it takes a lot out of the volunteers who are giving of themselves in this very public way. While cathartic, it can make you feel very vulnerable, especially knowing that some "readers" are there to check a box and fulfill a class requirement (when done on a college campus). In this role I have also experienced deep connections, but I have also had some awkward moments with "readers" who are casually entertained rather than open to deep consideration of difference and even those who are dismissive of my voice. If you are considering organizing a HL event, be aware that it truly takes a village - the more volunteers you have the better!