Sentry, The

Subgroup Size

Entire group


20 minutes

External Cost



Activity created by Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan based on the short story "Sentry" by science fiction writer Frederic Brown:

Brown, F. (1954). Sentry. Galaxy Publishing Corporation. 


A copy of the story is available in an archive of Thiagi's activities:

To perform this activity, facilitators should provide copies of the short story with the last line removed (see Links). Then, they should ask participants to try to complete the story and fill in what they believe is the last line. After they have finished, the facilitator can reveal the actual ending to participants. Following the reveal, facilitators might debrief with the following questions (or come up with their own):

  • What did you assume was happening in the story?
  • How did you develop your ending to the story?
  • How does your ending compare to the actual ending?
  • Can you think of a time in your life when you made an assumption before you knew the whole story? Why did you make that assumption? What did you learn from that experience?