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Episode 8: Creating Inclusive Classrooms and Programs

In this episode, diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership from Purdue University's cultural and disability centers answer questions about inclusive online teaching practices that they recommend, the learning outcomes they have for their students, how they measure learning in their programs, and how faculty and staff can support their educational mission. Nastasha Johnson, assistant professor of Library Sciences and a mathematics and physics information specialist at Purdue University, guest hosts this webinar. 

This post contains a link to the complete video of the webinar with Q&A and a PowerPoint that includes a more detailed version of the Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center (AAARCC) portion of this webinar. 

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Annette Benson onto Purdue Virtual ICL Webinar Series

Purdue Virtual ICL Webinar Series

This collection provides links to each episode of Purdue's Intercultural Learning and Inclusive Teaching for the New Virtual Paradigm (Virtual ICL) webinar series. It also includes links to all supporting materials associated with each episode.

10 posts

Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson