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Multi-dimensional Cultural Humility Scale (Gonzalez et al, 2021)

This instrument is designed to measure openness, self-awareness, lack of ego, supportive-ness and capacity for self-critique. Questions can be found on page 61 of the attached article. Note that this instrumentwas designed for use in clinical psychology contexts; for the academic advising initiative, the team changed the word "client" to the word "student."  The Purdue study is only using the questions which measure openness.

Citation: Gonzalez, E., Sperandio, K. R., Mullen, P. R., & Tuazon, V. E. (2021). Development and initial testing of the Multidimensional Cultural Humility Scale. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 54(1), 56-70.

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Katherine Yngve onto Inclusive Advising Collection

Inclusive Advising Collection

This collection gathers together validated surveys considered for use by Purdue as part of its Inclusive Advising Initiative, which provided curated learning opportunities to academic advisors about how to work more effectively across racial and ethnic difference.

Constructs which the team wished to measure included self-awareness, implicit bias, cultural humility and intention for self-reflection.

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Katherine Yngve

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Carol Olausen