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Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy

This assessment measures: 1. Intellectual empathy, empathetic emotions and the communication between the two. 2. Empathetic feelings and expression; empathetic perspective-taking; acceptance of cultural differences; and empathetic awareness. CAUTION: Some practitioners feel that this instrument, as written centers "whiteness" and privilege, for that reason, it can be an excellent tool for some learners and a harmful tool for others*. We encourage you to read the questions carefully and to think about your learner audience before using this instrument.

Citation: Wang, Y. W., Davidson, M. M., Yakushko, O. F., Savoy, H. B., Tan, J. A., & Bleier, J. K. (2003). The scale of ethnocultural empathy: Development, validation, and reliability. Journal of counseling psychology, 50(2), 221.

*A similar tool which may be of interest if the SEE seems inappropriate for your learner group is the Generalized Ethnocentrism Scale (GENE), developed and validated by Neulip and McCroskey in 1997. []

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Katherine Yngve onto Inclusive Advising Collection

Inclusive Advising Collection

This collection gathers together validated surveys considered for use by Purdue as part of its Inclusive Advising Initiative, which provided curated learning opportunities to academic advisors about how to work more effectively across racial and ethnic difference.

Constructs which the team wished to measure included self-awareness, implicit bias, cultural humility and intention for self-reflection.

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Katherine Yngve