
Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

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Martians at the Airport

This creativity-training activity was designed for a Spring Break study abroad program at Purdue University titled Amsterdam: Creative Thinking & Innovation in Collaborative Leadership. Specifically, it was designed to help travelling students use their airport "down time" productively. It is adapted from the well-known activity Martian Anthropology, which was created by Donald Batchelder. For this activity, participants are placed on teams and asked to observe what is happening in an airport through the lens of a “Martian”—meaning that they will not understand the purpose of the airport, just that it is an important location where many humans gather. They will use ethnographic field research techniques to investigate a hypothesis and answer questions provided to them. Then, during the next meeting time, they will prepare a three-minute report that synthesizes their research and either supports or negates that hypothesis. Note: This activity could be adapted to take place in a variety of settings, such as a student union, an office building, a restaurant, etc.

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Ethnography and Intercultural Learning

This collection provides intercultural learning activities and scholarly articles related to ethnographies. 

16 posts

Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton