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Information Technology Undergraduate Students’ Intercultural Value Orientations and Their Beliefs about the Influence of Such Orientations on Teamwork Interactions

From the abstract: "This study used a mixed methods design to characterize computer and information technology undergraduate students’ cultural orientations and their cultural awareness in the context of teamwork experiences. The data for the study was collected in the form of a reflection assignment that was implemented during the first week of classes as a way to promote students’ cultural awareness and how that may play out in their teamwork interactions."

Bahrami, P., Kim, Y., Jaiswal, A., Patel, D., Aggrawal, S., & Magana, A. J. (2023). Information technology undergraduate students’ intercultural value orientations and their beliefs about the influence of such orientations on teamwork interactions. Trends in Higher Education, 2(2), 270-282.

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Purdue CILMAR onto Intercultural Learning & Teaming

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