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Identifying Post-Pandemic Gaps In Intercultural Development During An Undergraduate Short-Term Study Abroad

Deficiencies in intercultural insight amongst American youth have led to an increased focus on globalization within institutions of higher education. To remedy this need amongst undergraduates, which has been exacerbated since the pandemic, short-term study abroads have been developed with the goal of enhancing these skillsets through application-based curriculum. New pedagogies have resulted so that students can be adequately exposed to true intercultural experiences along with tools to quantify this learning. This study identified and assessed intercultural learning gaps during a recent trip abroad.

Tanoos, J. J., Lyu, Y. (2023). Identifying post-pandemic gaps in intercultural development during an undergraduate short-term study abroad.

Lyu, Y., & Tanoos, J.  (2023).  Identifying post-pandemic gaps in intercultural development during an undergraduate short-term study abroad.  IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM), 19(4 Ser. 1), 30-34. 

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