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Welcome to the HubICL Hubbub, the newsletter that offers you the latest buzz on all that’s happening in the Hub!

New PDZ Blocks

If you haven’t been in the HubICL's Professional Development Zone (PDZ) in a while, you’ll want to take a look at the latest blocks of intercultural learning (ICL) offered there. Created as self-learning modules by the Purdue CILMAR staff, the PDZ blocks offer train-the-trainer content for experienced and novice ICL professionals. Highlighted this month are:

Would you like to submit a train-the-trainer self-learning module into the Professional Learning Zone (PDZ)? Just send an email to abenson@purdue.edu to get started.

New Tools in the Toolbox

As you know the HubICL’s Toolbox is always growing. This month we are highlighting two new activities for teaching the theory and application of Transformative Learning.

New Reviews of Tools in the Toolbox

Did you know that you can help others with their facilitation by publishing a review in the HubICL’s Toolbox? These reviews let others know how you implemented a tool from the Toolbox and how it worked—or didn’t—in your context. You don’t have to be a professional in the field of intercultural learning to publish a review. For instance, take a look at the various disciplines represented by the reviewers who published a review this summer:


We’d love to have a review of a Toolbox Tool from you!

New Publications in the HubICL’s Research Repository

If you are interested in incorporating cultural competence into the writing classroom, you won’t want to miss the recent additions and updated resources submitted by Purdue University’s Transculturation Pedagogical Research Group:


For the latest on what’s going on in the HubICL:




  1. Coding
  2. intercultural learning
  3. PDZ
  4. professional development
  5. transformative learning

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