"Dynamic Exercises to Shift Debriefing Time from Mundane to Transformative, Pre-conference workshop, WISE Conference, February 8, 2024, 10am – 3pm" 4 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Presentation Materials

This includes our slides and the learning plan we used during our pre-conference workshop, including references. 

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Experiential Materials Used for Demonstration Purposes

(Air) Handshake Mingle:

Magic Spelling:

By the Numbers:


Poker Face:

Crossing Borders Education (Peer-led Dialogues):

Crossing Borders Education is a non-profit organization that specializes in interactive peer programs harnessing the power of film and empathic dialogue. They've developed virtual peer-led dialogue sessions based on their interactive program design and dialogue methodology. In our pre-conference workshop, we did an abbreviated demo version of the virtual dialogues, but applied it to an in-person context. If you are interested in applying the virtual dialogues within your institutional context, please contact CBE directly. 

Listening Deeply for Values:

Mindful Me:

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Cautionary Tales

Lifeboat and Adjectives (document file included in this post - these are two examples of activities that were used in diversity trainings that did not end well, resulting in reinforced stereotypes and in one case, a major lawsuit - exercise caution!)

A Retrospective View of Corporate Diversity Training From 1964 to the Present

Who’d Be on Your Spaceship? A School Exercise Backfires in Ohio

Lucky Stores will Pay Millions to Women in Job Bias Lawsuit

Case: Stender v. Lucky Stores, Inc.

Alien Among Us (another version of Lifeboat)

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