By the Numbers

Subgroup Size

Entire group


15 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Thiagarajan, S. (2015, April 3). By the numbers. The Thiagi group: Improving performance playfully.


Version also available in:

Thiagarajan, S., & Tagliati, T. (2011). Jolt 2—By the numbers. In Jolt! Activities to wake up and engage your participants (pp. 53-56). Pfeiffer.

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  1. User campb186's profile picture campb186 11:30 am 25 March 2019

    I did this activity with international engineering graduate students in my writing class at Duke University, and it was a hit. I wanted something that would "jolt" them out of their current way of thinking for both my class and their other classes (this was done near the end of a spring semester). The activity only took about 15 minutes, and it followed Thiagi's notes--the students were initially pleased that they figured out the "pattern," and then became frustrated when I introduced additional number sets that did not align with what they thought the pattern should be. We held on to that frustration to talk about assumptions and stereotyping, and I was able to relate that to our current writing task--writing critical responses to STEM news and peer-reviewed journal articles.