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Barnhart, S., Spess, L., & Ogden, A. (2009). Global news. UK Education Abroad Toolkit.
3:52 am 10 April 2020
From my experience as a former study abroad professional, it is not unusual for professionals to think that exposing students to different opinions is teaching them openness to difference. Nope, not necessarily. (If a person or group is in polarization there is no neutral, for example.) If you want to effectively teach openness with this one, see the related tools listed. You will need to teach the DIE or DAE method of suspending judgement. For persons in minimization, you will probably need to also teach the difference between stereotyping and making generalizations. As written and all on its own, though, this exercise can be a fairly non-threatening way of discussing difference (depends on the global news topic chosen). In other words, good for helping folks in denial "see" cultural difference or good for helping folks in polarization "see" common ground.