Personal and Social Identity Wheels, Identity Circles, Beads, and Molecule, The Paseo (Circles of Identity), Circles of My Multicultural Self

Subgroup Size

Entire group


1 hour and 30 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Personal Identity Wheel and Social Identity Wheel were adapted for use by the Program on Intergroup Relations and the Spectrum Center, University of Michigan.

LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative, University of Michigan. (2017, August 16). Personal identity wheel

LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative, University of Michigan. (2017, August 16). Social identity wheel

Identity circles. (n.d.). Bonner Curriculum in partnership with Dr. Tanisha Brandonā€ Felder.

Paseo or circles of identity (16 November, 2017). CLEE SRI.

This protocol is a result of collaborative work by:  Debbi Laidley, Deb Bambino, Debbie McIntyre, Stevi Quate and Juli Quinn; created at the NSRF Winter Meeting 2001, Houston, TX.

Gorski, P. (n.d.). Circles of my multicultural self. Critical multicultural pavilion: Awareness activities.

Fahrun, H., Skowron, E., Zimmerman, N.-E. (2014). Diversity dynamics: Activating the potential of diversity in trainings. A handbook for facilitators in active citizenship education. MitOst Association Berlin.


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  1. User parke371's profile picture parke371 10:11 pm 06 May 2023

    I used the Personal Identity Wheel during an introduction meeting for my study abroad students. Students were placed in groups of four to discuss their identities. While in their groups, students were able to explore how their identities show up in their lives. They also explored how they have similar and different identities than their group members. Overall, students got to know each other better, which is what I aim for. I want my students to build relationships because they will be abroad together for two weeks. I think the Personal Identity Wheel was a great activity to begin building those relationships.