Thiagi Debrief

Subgroup Size



15 minutes

External Cost



Thiagarajan, T., Tagliati T., Richter M. S., & Thiagarajan, R. (2015). Six questions to ask during debriefing. In Interactive techniques for instructor-led training (pp. 252-253). The Thiagi Group. 

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  1. User dcjones's profile picture dcjones 8:36 am 06 February 2020

    This is the quintessential experiential debriefing tool. Thiagi's debriefing questions get to the essence of how participants can and should process an experience. It is also extremely flexible and adaptable. I frequently mix up the order of the questions or leave questions out. The questions can also be easily adapted to a specific context. Using the original questions as a template or guide allows fore extremely customizable debriefs. The possibilities are as limitless as the variety of activities to pair it with are.

  2. User epienaar's profile picture epienaar 9:42 am 22 June 2022

    We utilized the Thiagi debrief questions as a prompt for reflection assignments during a two-week study abroad program with engineering students. We visited 6 cities in 4 countries and asked students to submit two reflections for two cities of their choice. Having the Thiagi debrief questions as a guide helped the students to reflect on their experiences instead of simply describing them. Furthermore, the format of the Thiagi debrief facilitated students’ realizations of intercultural insights. Through conversations with the students during the program, we found that by allowing them to choose the cities and interactions they reflected on, we created the opportunity for continuous reflections on multiple interactions as they decided which experiences to write about.