Air Handshake Mingle and No Touch Greetings

Subgroup Size

Small Group


30 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Adapted by Dr. Kenneth Tanemura, CILMAR, from:
Stanchfield, J. (2021, September 2). "Air handshake mingle" and “distanced concentric circles," – active engagement and social connection at a physical distance. Experiential Tools.

Original activity from Aimee Desrosier Cochran.

As per Stanchfield (2021):

"None needed, but entry-task objects/images and quotes can be woven into this activity. I also like to create the first partnering using an object-based connection such as dominoes, playing cards, match game cards (see post). I always make this deeper introductory activity or a kinesthetic reflection or review by mix get-to-know-you or reflective questions into the exercise, so having these reflection or review prompts prepared in advance can be helpful."