Air Handshake Mingle and No Touch Greetings

Subgroup Size

Small Group


30 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Adapted by Dr. Kenneth Tanemura, CILMAR, from:
Stanchfield, J. (2021, September 2). "Air handshake mingle" and “distanced concentric circles," – active engagement and social connection at a physical distance. Experiential Tools.

Original activity from Aimee Desrosier Cochran.

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  1. User gray160's profile picture gray160 10:50 am 15 November 2023

    I plan to use this activity as an ice breaker for an upcoming event, and like it for several reasons:

    1. There is great to address the greeting awkardness that is often experienced in the post-COVID era.

    2. It gets people up, moving and mingling

    3. It allows for participants to either follow established norms, or to bring own creativity to the exercise.

    4. Provides opportunity for participants to explore the greetings for other cultures and countries.

    5. I think it will be a great springboard for starting the conversation of cultural norms.