Air Handshake Mingle and No Touch Greetings

Subgroup Size

Small Group


30 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Adapted by Dr. Kenneth Tanemura, CILMAR, from:
Stanchfield, J. (2021, September 2). "Air handshake mingle" and “distanced concentric circles," – active engagement and social connection at a physical distance. Experiential Tools.

Original activity from Aimee Desrosier Cochran.

As per Stanchfield (2021):

"Facilitators use a variety of greetings in this activity—some of them can get pretty silly. I tend to start simply, using familiar or simple no-touch greetings (especially now). I purposely facilitate a “slow” connection focused version of this activity, having people revisit previous partners, so they build connections with at least four or five people in the room (a very different activity than the “quickly visit everyone” version). During the COVID era I tend to facilitate this activity with smaller groups outside if possible, or inside following masking and physical distancing protocols which I have found still allow the group to engage playfully and meaningfully. The “Air High Five”, “Air Low Five”, “Hand over Heart”, “Bow”, “Namaste”, “Air Fist Bump” and “Make it Up as You Go Along” touchless greetings are my new favorites."