
Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve created this post

Social Justice Assessment Project: 2019 SAAL Call-to-Action

"The aim of the project is to engage stakeholders across the field in a conversation about terms, ideas, and practices associated with culturally responsive and socially just assessment. To this end, a series of webinars and podcasts have been produced. The webinars and the podcast series..." are available here.

Additional details and support are available at the Student Affairs Assessment Leaders website (available from link above), including further blog posts, a listserv sign-up form and a repository of presentations, tools and tips about assessment in student affairs contexts.

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Assessment for Social Justice Collection

According to McArthur (2016; see article within this folder):

"Assessment for social justice is a two-pronged concept.  It refers both to the justice of assessment within higher education, and to the role of assessment in nurturing the forms of learning that will promote greater social justice within society as a whole."

This collection includes definitions, models, a list of case studies, a list of suggested instruments, and more. Assessment for Social Justice is a relatively new area of professional practice which coalesced into a movement in North America in 2018.  It has a rich scholarly & theoretical history, however, dating back to at least 1977.

7 posts

Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve