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Data show that Millennials who read less tend to exhibit less empathy.

“It’s well-researched that there’s a correlation between reading and empathy. Reading strengthens your empathy muscles by requiring the reader to put himself into the characters’ shoes and see the world from an alternate perspective for a while.

“Knowing this, it’s no surprise to us that a strong percentage of the people that said books don’t play an important role in their lives are less likely to be able to see both sides of an argument. They are also less inclined to associate with people with differing opinions from their own.

“Likewise, people who profess a passion for books are more likely to see both sides of an argument and even more likely to enjoy interacting with people with differing opinions from their own."

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Annette Benson onto Tools for teaching empathy

Tools for teaching empathy

According to the AAC&U VALUE rubric for Intercultural Knowledge and Competence, the skill of empathy can be learned.  This collection includes presentations created to help learners develop this skill.

18 posts

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Annette Benson