
Global Engagement Survey

This is "a multi-institutional assessment tool that employs quantitative and qualitative methods to better understand relationships among program variables and student learning, in respect to global learning goals identified by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U, 2014), with adaptations particularly relevant to community-engaged global learning. The GES therefore considers global learning in respect to the three components of global citizenship, cultural humility, and critical reflection" (GLOBALSL).

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Intercultural Communication Edge (icEdge) is a self-assessment and interactive tool to teach you about your own communication style and how to be more effective communicators and leaders across diverse multicultural and/or multinational interaction styles. It is currently available in English, Spanish and Mandarin.

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As a result of taking this assessment, participants will be able to: 1. Identify the six factors of personality as defined by the HEXACO model (Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeability, Conscientiousness, Openness). 2. Improve their awareness of their own combination of personality traits. 

Note: this instrument has been translated into 28 languages & used in studies with learners as young as 10 years old.

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Intensity Factors Index

The main purpose of this exercise is to allow learners to acknowledge possible stress points, to discuss productive and socially appropriate stress reduction techniques, and to think about emotional hot buttons (including loss of power and recognition).

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IDADA: Individual Difference Approach to Diversity Awareness

As a result of taking this assessment, participants will: 1. Become aware of how their own personal biases (in terms of dress, communication, personal behavior, etc.) may affect how they view a potential job candidate.

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LaFever's Medicine Wheel of Learning Outcomes

LaFever's Medicine Wheel is a non-hierarchical framework for understanding levels of affective engagement and community-based co-creation of knowledge, and using it to create learning outcomes. Assessors or potential assessors who use LaFever's Medicine Wheel (p. 417) as an assessment tool or framework will begin to understand how to operationalize "decolonized" and equitable assessment. 

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Katherine Yngve onto Assessments

Rubrica Valutativa della Competenzia Interculturalle

This rubric, originally only available in Italian, was developed as part of a large research project on outcomes of mobility exchanges in Italian schools. (In other words, it's normed on pre-college adolescents.) It measures participants' level of intercultural competence in the following areas: Curiosity, Respect for Diversity, Cultural Self-Awareness, Knowledge of Host-Country Language, Knowledge of Host-Country Context, Critical Thinking, Adaptability, and Conflict Resolution.  Link to the English version is now available within the tool curation site, above.

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Wesleyan Intercultural Competence Scale

The instrument calibrates a series of statements about one's past behavior (during an immersion experience) to each of the six stages of the Developmental Model of Intercultural Competence. The instrument presents 16 situations commonly experienced during a semester abroad experience and asks the learner to choose one of six statements which most closely represents their behavioral or thought response to each situation. 

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Katherine Yngve onto Assessments

Digital Story Rubric

This assessment measures the use of effective visual communication, as well as openness, curiosity, self-awareness, empathy, and knowledge of worldview frameworks. 

Instructors who use this rubric will be better able to offer supportive feedback (formative assessment) or to justify grading decisions (summative assessment).

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Intercultural Adjustment Potential Scale (ICAPS)

This assessment measures participants' level of emotional regulation, openness, flexibility, and creativity. It also helps them to become more aware of their ability to adapt in intercultural situations. 

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Global Engagment Measurement Scale (GEMS)

This assessment measures the seven aspects of global engagement: pluralism, interconnectedness, global mindedness, ambiguity tolerance (flexibility), ambiguity tolerance (new situation preference), diversity openness, host site knowledge.

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Global Mindedness Scale (GMS)

This assessment measures the five facets of global-mindedness (responsibility, cultural pluralism, efficacy, global-centrism, interconnectedness). 

Instructors or learners who access the instrument will be better able to differentiate between the commonly confused concepts of "Intercultural Competence" and "Global Citizenship.

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Assessing Intercultural Competence Survey (for adolescents)

This assessment measures several aspects of intercultural competence: motivation; language proficiency; communication style; perceived efficacy (post-program); intercultural knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

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Katherine Yngve onto Assessments

Global Citizenship Inventory (for adolescents)

This assessment measures: 1. Behaviors as well as attitudes which are supportive of environmental or social sustainability (recycling, consumer behavior, energy, efficiency, etc.). 2. Shared responsibility. 3. Orientation towards equality of human beings. 4. Mutual dependency values.

Individuals who take or use the instrument will develop a better understanding of the connection between sustainability values and individual behaviors.

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Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS-15)

This assessment measures interaction engagement, respect for cultural differences, interaction confidence, interaction enjoyment, and interaction attentiveness. Validated for use with learners as young as twelve.

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Katherine Yngve onto Assessments

Global Engineering Competency Scale

This assessment measures self-efficacy, technical coordination, knowledge of professional ethics and standards, and knowledge of engineering cultures.

Individuals who use this assessment will become more aware of the elements of engineering competency in a globalized world.

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Katherine Yngve onto Assessments

Revised Sociocultural Adaptation Scale (SCAS-R)

This assessment measures interpersonal communication, academic and work performance, community involvement, ecological adaptation, and language proficiency. 

Instructors or learners who use the instrument will become more aware of their ability to adapt to a new culture, and possibly also more attuned to the emotional cost of doing so.

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Katherine Yngve onto Assessments

Friendship Network Grid

This qualitative assessment method measures friendship patterns, as well as degree of comfort in seeking out relationships with individuals from different backgrounds.

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Radio Replay: Yum and Yuck

This podcast episode examines how food affects our lives and how we come to find some as "yum" and others as "yuck."

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Master or One

blah blah test

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stuff and things

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The Effects of Internship Abroad Curricular Experiential Interactions

Source: Snodgrass, L. L. (2017). The effects of internship abroad curricular experiential interactions on the cultural intelligence of program participants (Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University).

This dissertation examined the impact of internship abroad experiential curricular interactions on the development of culturally intelligence of participants using pre- and post-test Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) scores. The study indicated that the experiential programs, that embedded elements of critical culture, including critical knowledge, critical thinking, critical pedagogy, and critical community, had significant effects on the growth in cultural intelligence. 

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Universal Cultural or Personal Card Game

Human behavior is complex. While it may be tempting to attribute someone’s actions to “human nature” or some sort of individual quirk, it’s usually not so simple. Therefore, this activity aims to get participants thinking critically about three dimensions (universal, cultural, or personal) of human behavior and the nuances between them.

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Understanding Miscommunication

We all have experienced moments where we just can’t seem to understand each other. Moments of miscommunication commonly occur in our everyday interactions, and cultural differences can sometimes further complicate these situations. Therefore, this activity is designed to get participants thinking about not only how miscommunication happens but also how understanding culture can help us to mitigate scenarios where misunderstandings occur. 

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Study Abroad Advice Card Game

This activity is designed for students who are preparing to study abroad. Students may receive an overwhelming amount of advice before they go abroad, so this activity is meant to help them prioritize and determine what is most important to them. This activity may also help them rethink their priorities or their perceptions of what it means to study abroad, as they may encounter information that had not occurred to them before.

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