• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Invite Only
  • Created 20 May 2019

About the Group

Public Description

This group is for faculty with an interest in intercultural learning.

Created by Annette Benson Last Modified Mon May 20, 2019 1:11 pm by Annette Benson


  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Annette Benson


    Thank you for your interest in the Intercultural Learning Hub (HubICL).  You might want to try these first steps to see what the HubICL has to offer:

    • Investigate the Tags function in the HubICL.  For example, as a staff member in higher education, you are probably interested in the assessment of intercultural learning.  Please go to https://hubicl.org/tags/assessment.  There you will find a link to a presentation on assessment, a report on assessment, and several suggested assessment tools.  Each of these items also has tags, which you can follow to see even more topics covered in the HubICL.
    • Collect what interests you.  If you find things along the way that you find useful, the HubICL has a Collections function that makes it easy to gather things that you want to use later.  For example, take a look at https://hubicl.org/members/1005/collections/connecting-intercultural-learning-and-values, which is a collection built around Dr. Tara Harvey’s blog on intercultural learning as it relates to values.
    • Contribute your own tools and research.  For example, go to https://hubicl.org/toolbox/tools/new to add your own resources to the Toolbox, or consider adding an open access publication or white paper about intercultural learning to https://hubicl.org/publications.
    • Connect with others. You can connect with other staff members who are involved in the field of intercultural learning by accepting the invitation to join the Higher Education ICL Interest Group.

    Again, we thank you for your membership in the HubICL.  If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to fill out a ticket at https://hubicl.org/support/tickets

    With highest regards,

    Annette Benson, HubICL Manager

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  2. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Annette Benson


    Thank you for creating a membership in the Intercultural Learning Hub (HubICL).  You might find the following suggestions helpful in discovering what the HubICL has to offer:

    •    Investigate the Tags function in the HubICL.  For example, as a faculty member, you are probably interested in the assessment of intercultural learning.  Please go to https://hubicl.org/tags/assessment.  There you will find a link to a presentation on assessment, a report on assessment, and several suggested assessment tools.  Each of these items also has tags, which you can follow to see even more topics covered in the HubICL.
    •    Collect what interests you.  If you find things along the way that you find useful, the HubICL has a Collections function that makes it easy to gather things—à la Pinterest--that you might want to use later.  For example, take a look at https://hubicl.org/members/1005/collections/connecting-intercultural-learning-and-values, which is a collection built around Dr. Tara Harvey’s blog on intercultural learning as it relates to values.
    •    Contribute your own tools and research.  For example, go to https://hubicl.org/toolbox/tools/new to add your own resources to the Toolbox, or consider adding an open access publication or white paper about intercultural learning to https://hubicl.org/publications.
    •    Connect with others. You can connect with other faculty who are involved in the field of intercultural learning by accepting the invitation to join the Higher Education ICL Interest Group (for faculty).

    Again, we thank you for your membership in the HubICL.  If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to fill out a ticket at https://hubicl.org/support/tickets.  

    With highest regards,
    Annette Benson, HubICL Manager

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  3. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    James J Tanoos


    I look forward to being part of this group.  I have great admiration for CILMAR and their insight and assistance over the past 5 years.



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  4. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Nasreen Lalani

    Hello all:

    I am happy to e part of this group. I am teaching socio-cultural course in nursing. I look forward to this group while helping me enhance my teaching learning scholarship while including important aspects of CLIMAR. 

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