Tags: AAC&U Rubrics

All Categories (1-28 of 28)

  1. Intercultural Learning Activities

    Collections | 14 Jun 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    Contextualizing Identities (1 hour) In this activity, participants explore how different identities become more salient under different circumstances. Too American, Never American...


  2. HubICL Hubbub, June 2024

    01 Jun 2024 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Welcome! The Intercultural Learning Hub is a crowd-sourced science gateway overseen and funded by Purdue University’s Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship,...


  3. Exploring the Associations Between University Instructors' Intercultural Orientations, Students' Experiences in the Classroom, and Educational Outcomes | Seed Grant 2017

    Collections | 16 May 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    This project "examine[s] the extent to which instructors' orientations ...towards cultural diversity relate to students' perceptions of the classroom environment and educational...


  4. Teamwork Assessment Tools

    Collections | 10 May 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    Global Engineering Competency Scale (10 min) This assessment measures self-efficacy, technical coordination, knowledge of professional ethics and standards, and knowledge of engineering...


  5. SMART Goals Worksheet

    Collections | 10 Apr 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    In this activity, participants contemplate and explain their culture-learning goals for their time during their semester abroad, develop logical and consistent plans to attain goals, and identify...


  6. My Plan for Intercultural Growth

    Collections | 10 Apr 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    In this reflection activity, participants articulate a nuanced understanding of one domain of intercultural knowledge and competence from the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE...


  7. Exploring the Associations Between University Instructors' Intercultural Orientations, Students' Experiences in the Classroom, and Educational Outcomes | Seed Grant 2017

    Collections | 29 Mar 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    The theoretical and conceptual framing of Dr. Diatta-Holgate's research explores the intersection and integration of the diversity inclusivity framework, self-determination theory,...


  8. Martians at the Airport

    Collections | 17 Mar 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    This creativity-training activity was designed for a Spring Break study abroad program at Purdue University titled Amsterdam: Creative Thinking & Innovation in Collaborative Leadership....


  9. Exploring the Associations Between University Instructors' Intercultural Orientations, Students' Experiences in the Classroom, and Educational Outcomes | Seed Grant 2017

    23 Aug 2023 | Presentations | Contributor(s):

    By Horane A. Diatta-Holgate

    Notre Dame University

    This project "examine[s] the extent to which instructors' orientations ...towards cultural diversity relate to students' perceptions of the classroom environment and educational outcomes in...


  10. Exploring the Associations Between University Instructors' Intercultural Orientations, Students' Experiences in the Classroom, and Educational Outcomes | Seed Grant 2017

    14 Jul 2023 | Presentations | Contributor(s):

    By Horane A. Diatta-Holgate

    Notre Dame University

    This project "examine[s] the extent to which instructors' orientations ...towards cultural diversity relate to students' perceptions of the classroom environment and educational outcomes in...


  11. Frameworks and Theories for Intercultural Learning in the Language Classroom

    Collections | 20 Mar 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This collection includes resources for language teachers pertaining to intercultural learning benchmarks, assessments, activities, and more within the language classroom.


  12. Constructing the Learning Outcomes with Intercultural Assessment: A 3-Year Study of a Graduate Study Abroad and Glocal Experience Programs

    Collections | 22 Jul 2021 | Posted by Lan Jin

    Cartwright, C., Stevens, M., & Schneider, K. (2021). Constructing the Learning Outcomes with Intercultural Assessment: A 3-Year Study of a Graduate Study Abroad and Glocal Experience Programs...


  13. Intercultural learning in semester-long study abroad: A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of one-on-one versus group-mentored interventions - updated

    17 Mar 2020 | Open Access Publications | Contributor(s):

    By Daniel Charles Jones1, Kris Acheson-Clair1, Michelle M. Campbell2

    1. Purdue University 2. Duke University

    This study corroborates previous findings on the effectiveness of mentorship in study abroad and offers innovations for scaling up institutional efforts to support intercultural learning to reach...


  14. Intercultural Learning Outcomes - the AAC&U VALUE rubrics

    Collections | 08 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    The American Association of Colleges and Universities have created over the past decade or more a set of 16 rubrics referred to as the VALUE (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate...


  15. Presentation to Purdue University's School of Languages & Cultures (March 2019, excerpts)

    Collections | 27 Jun 2019 | Posted by Aletha D Stahl

    Excerpts from a presentation introducing the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR) to the School of Languages & Cultures (SLC) at Purdue University....


  16. Self-Directed Research Project on Intercultural Knowledge and Competence

    Collections | 25 Jun 2019 | Posted by Aletha D Stahl

    A short written project designed to familiarize students with an area of intercultural knowledge and competence in which they would personally like to grow and to help them achieve that growth. 


  17. Civic Engagement Rubric (AAC&U)


  18. Coding Student Artifacts Using the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Rubric

    05 Apr 2023

    How to use the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence rubric to code student artifacts in NVivo.


  19. Creative Thinking Rubric (AAC&U)


  20. Cultural Dimensions Survey for (COVID-19) Teams


  21. Digital Story Rubric


  22. Global Learning Rubric (AAC&U)


  23. Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Rubric (AAC&U)


  24. Martians at the Airport


  25. My Plan for Intercultural Growth


  26. SMART Goals Worksheet


  27. Teamwork Rubric (AAC&U)


  28. Voices from the Past (Name Tags)
