Tribalism and Empathy

Subgroup Size

Large Group


35 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Created by Lindsey Macdonald and Annette Benson, using the following:


Rosin, H. (Host). (2019, April 12). Should we have empathy for those we hate? [Audio podcast episode]. In Morning edition. NPR.


Purdue University. (2018, May 13). Daniels to graduates: "Boilermakers aren't made for tribes" [Video]. YouTube.

In Links, there are two supplementary podcast episodes that address the same topic: Alan Alda's "Tribalism: How We Overcome the 'Us' vs. 'Them' Mentality" and NPR's "Tribes and Traitors: What Happens When You Empathize with the Enemy?" The facilitator may choose to incorporate these episodes into the activity/discussion as well.