How Easy Is My Daily Life? (Lego Privilege Activity)

Subgroup Size

Entire group


30 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Materials created by Dr. Aletha Stahl, CILMAR, and Renee Thomas, Purdue University.


The original source for this activity is unknown. We have seen this activity reproduced in several places, using Legos or beads. However, we have found several attributions to Gerakina Arlene Sgoutas and colleagues, Metropolitan State College; Denver, CO .

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  1. User dcjones's profile picture dcjones 8:12 am 06 February 2020

    This activity is a great alternative to the "Privilege Walk" activity that so many are familiar with. This activity is also easily customizable. New categories can be created. Existing ones can be withheld to reduce the amount of time for the activity, while also giving the group more to discuss in what other privileges could be explored. It is also not as threatening as activities that focus on publicly/openly acknowledging or identifying personal privilege. I also especially like this activity because it gives the participants something tangible to associate their privilege with which is so useful for those for whom privilege has always been a nebulous, abstract concept.

  2. User jin124's profile picture jin124 12:22 am 06 November 2020

    I have done this activity for twice - one was at CILMAR's Worldview Workshop; one was at CILMAR's PICLCoP Tool Demonstration workshop. I liked that the statements were updated over time. For example, I found that new statements about COVID-19 were added to some categories. I think this activity works very well in a virtual environment, because the participants have private space and time to self-reflect.