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Ogden, A., Hartman, E., & Lutterman-Aguilar, A. (2014). To hell with good intentions. UK Education Abroad Faculty Toolkit.
Based on the following:
Szablya, S. [Steve Szablya]. (2012, September 12). Kent Koth presention on "to hell with good intentions" [Video]. YouTube.
3:48 am 11 April 2020
Critical self-reflexivity is important to both ethical service-learning and equity. But teaching it is not without its challenges, particularly in shorter-term programs and with students who are not yet in high-minimization or above. If you are not already a seasoned practitioner of critical pedagogy (as is the author of this activity), I would recommend reading the following article first: Glass, M. R. (2015). Teaching critical reflexivity in short-term international field courses: Practices and problems. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 39(4), 554-567.