Herox's Journey

Subgroup Size

Entire group


45 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Created by Dr. Jennifer Wiley, Core Collaborative International, based on work from Dr. Vesna Hart, James Madison University and Joseph Campbell’s concept of the hero’s journey:


Campbell, J. (1949). The hero with a thousand faces. Pantheon Books.

You may use the Google Form version of this activity if you prefer not to print or distribute handouts. Many learners do prefer to type their responses into the form. However, please be aware (and make your students aware) that their responses will be linked to their email address in the data set on the Google server and transmitted via email when the form returns their "receipt" to them.

If you would like to use the Google Form, simply send learners the link and ask them to fill out the form, check their email for their receipt of responses, and forward that receipt on to you to assess.