
Curiosity and Exploration Inventory (CEI-II)

This assessment measures two dimensions of curiosity: appetite for novelty, and "absorbtion," e.g. the desire to want to "dig deeper" and learn more about a topic, person, activity, etc.

The inventory is available online (see the Links section in the tool). Participants can complete the inventory on their own time and then send it to facilitators/instructors. 

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Culture Matters: The Peace Corps Cross-Cultural Workbook

This workbook helps participants to identify and appreciate cultural differences and reflect on their thoughts and feelings during cross-cultural experiences.

The entire workbook is available online (see the Links section in the tool) and many of the activities can be completed individually. 

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Culture Learning Strategies Inventory

This assessment measures participants' strategies for learning about another culture. The assessment can be completed by participants on their own time and then sent to facilitators/instructors. Facilitators/instructors could also set up a virtual discussion surrounding the assessment. 

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Culture and Values

This activity asks participants to identify what are considered typical U.S. cultural values and compare their own perceptions of their cultural values to those considered typical of the U.S.

All of the materials for this activity can be downloaded through the AFS website (see the Links section in the tool). Participants can complete the individual portions of this activity on their own time and then upload their materials to a discussion board or an online learning management system such as Blackboard or Brightspace. 

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Cultural Intelligence MOOC

This massive open online course (MOOC) enables participants to understand the concept of cultural intelligence as well as develop their own level of cultural intelligence.

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Cultural Autobiography

This activity asks participants to write about aspects of their cultural identity, such as family structure, nationality, rituals, environment, friends, institutions, mobility, and education. In an online learning environment, participants can share their autobiographies through a discussion board. 

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Cultural Artifact (Show and Tell)

This activity asks students to share a personal object of cultural significance and explain why that object is meaningful to them and the culture(s) they identify with. To adapt this activity to an online environment, participants could upload a picture of their cultural artifact to a discussion board along with an explanation of its significance. They could also share through video chat. 

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Crossword Puzzle

This lesson is meant to stimulate participants’ attitudes of intercultural curiosity. Participants will create crossword puzzles based on prompts that highlight certain aspects of culture, such as religious beliefs, food preferences, and nonverbal communication gestures. Then, they will choose a partner and try to solve each other’s puzzles.

There are several online crossword building resources for facilitators/instructors to choose from in the Links and Downloads sections of this tool. Participants can also exchange and complete crossword puzzles virtually. 

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Critical Reflection Rubric

This rubric can be used to assess any kind of intercultural reflective writing assignment, such as an essay or a blog post. 

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Critical Mass

This activity will challenge participants to use the concept of "critical mass" to understand stereotype threats. They will analyze photos on a website to determine how that site may be including/excluding and reinforcing or challenging stereotypes.

This activity is well suited for online learning because it asks participants to engage with web content and to then complete an essay or blog post, which can be uploaded to a discussion board or an online learning management system such as Blackboard or Brightspace. 

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Core Values

This activity asks participants to consider their own personal values and their cultural contexts. The value cards used in this activity can be downloaded through University of Michigan's Inclusive Teaching website (in the Links section of this tool), and participants can sort the cards individually on their own time. Then, they can engage in the discussion portion through an online discussion board or video chat. 

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Core Qualities of a Successful Professional

This activity was already designed to be completed online by study abroad participants. However, it can be adapted for other contexts.

During this activity, participants will first identify the five qualities that they view as most important in their career field. They will ultimately be able to recognize the role cultural values play in informing and defining professional norms and practices as well as practice perspective-taking in considering worldviews other than their own regarding professional cultural values and acting in a supportive manner that recognizes the feelings of another cultural group.


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Content Analysis Rubric for Journals & Blogs

This rubric can be used to assess blogs using five categories of data: culture shock, communication challenge, cultural appreciation, cross-cultural comparison, and adaptive behavior.

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Clock on the Ceiling

This activity allows participants to discuss an experience when perceptions of something were dependent on point of view. 

The physical activity itself can be completed individually and then participants can engage in the debriefing portion through an online discussion board or video chat. 

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Civil Discourse — Smarter Everyday

This activity uses the YouTube video, What I Learned from President Obama - Smarter Everyday 151, to enable participants to identify elements of civil discourse and reflect on the meaning and importance of civil discourse. They will also reflect critically on their own ability to conduct civil discourse and imagine future scenarios engaging in civil discourse.

To adapt to an online learning environment, participants can watch the YouTube video on their own and then engage in discussion through an online discussion board or through video chat. 

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Changed or Not?

This reflection challenges participants to make meaning of their study abroad experience. They will choose a song that they feel is representative of their study abroad and analyze the song in relation to their experiences based on the four levels of cultural awareness.

This activity is already designed to be completed in an online environment. It can also be adapted for other types of intercultural learning experiences besides study abroad. 

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Building a House for Diversity

This activity uses the Giraffe and the Elephant parable to help participants identify feelings of inclusion/exclusion as dependent on context, recognize that structural exclusion can exist, and analyze the inclusive and exclusive ways that people and organizations typically respond to diversity.

The parable is available online (see the Links section of this tool). The discussion portion could be completed through an online discussion board or through video chat. Participants could also complete the individual portions on their own time before engaging in discussion. 

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Brief Mindfulness Practice

This activity helps participants to relax and focus on the process of breathing and the present moment. It can be done individually using the audio file in the Links section of this tool. 

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Body Ritual Among the Nacirema

Body Ritual Among the Nacriema is a well-known satirical anthropology paper. The entire paper is available online and facilitators/instructors can adapt debriefing/discussion to virtual environments by asking students to post in discussion boards, craft essays, or chat through online platforms like Zoom or Google Hangouts. 

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Blog Abroad

This blogging activity is designed for study abroad but can be adapted for other types of intercultural learning experiences.

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Big Five Inventory-2

An online version of this assessment is available on the FiveThirtyEight website. It measures how participants compare to others on five personality traits: openness, agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, and negative emotionality.

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Beyond the Comfort Zone

Beyond the Comfort Zone is an online course from True North Intercultural that allows participants to articulate what the "comfort zone" might look like for them during an intercultural experience, understand the benefits of this awareness and of intentionally pushing oneself outside their comfort zone, and think concretely about how to make the most of an intercultural experience.

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Barbie Savior: A Lesson in Intercultural Empathy

This activity is inspired by an Instagram account called Barbie Savior. Barbie Savior calls attention to the issues with the well-intentioned—but often problematic—"voluntourism,” i.e. short-term volunteer trips. Barbie Savior parodies the voluntourism experience by placing Barbie in various scenes across Africa along with tone deaf captions that demonstrate Barbie’s lack of knowledge about her impact as a voluntourist.

In this activity, participants will analyze one of Barbie Savior’s posts in terms of the concept of empathy. Participants will then attempt to coach Barbie on intercultural empathy and how she might consider different perspectives.

Facilitators/instructors can adapt this activity to an online learning environment by asking participants to write an essay based on the discussion questions on the instruction sheet in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants could also engage in discussion through an online discussion board or through a video chat platform such as Zoom or Google Hangouts.

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Auditing Your Personal Networks

This activity challenges participants to reflect on their relationships and consider how they might improve their diversity. They will chart/map their personal and social networks and reflect on how they might fill in any gaps in those networks.

Students can complete the handout for this activity individually and then talk through the reflection portion with a partner through email or video chat. The facilitator may also consider asking participants to post reflections in an online discussion board. 

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Assessing Intercultural Competence Survey (for adolescents)

This assessment measures several aspects of intercultural competence: motivation; language proficiency; communication style; perceived efficacy (post-program); intercultural knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

The assessment is available in both the Source and Links sections of the tool. Participants can take the assessment online and then send the results to the facilitator/instructor. 

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