
Facilitating Learning with Intercultural & DEI Outcomes

A self-learning module to help learners identify meaningful facilitation practices, specify areas of growth, and reflect on how positionality may impact the work of facilitation.

  1. debrief
  2. DEI
  3. diversity
  4. equity
  5. facilitation
  6. inclusion
  7. Thiagi

New to facilitating intercultural and DEI* outcomes? Have wet feet but are curious to dive deeper? In either case, this module has something to offer. The content centers on your own reflection and self-inquiry in dialogue with readings and videos from a range of perspectives on the topic of preparing for and guiding others through a learning experience. (Note: It does not address selecting learning activities, assessing the learning, etc. -- also part of facilitation but covered elsewhere in the HubICL's Professional Development Zone.) The content builds on a few external materials coupled with interviews with seasoned facilitators who work in the classroom, in co-curricular spaces, with faculty and staff in higher education, or as Extension agents (people who serve Indiana as experts in community development, agriculture, and health). Whether or not you identify with the context or social identities of these facilitators, their wisdom and experience may spark important insights into your own strengths as a facilitator and strategies you can use to keep the learning happening in challenging situations.

*diversity, equity, inclusion