HubICL Hubbub, November 2023

New PDZ Blocks

If you haven’t been in the HubICL's Professional Development Zone (PDZ) in a while, you’ll want to take a look at the latest blocks of intercultural learning (ICL) offered there. Created as self-learning modules by the Purdue CILMAR staff, the PDZ blocks offer train-the-trainer content for experienced and novice ICL professionals.

This month we are highlighting an exciting new self-learning modules on facilitation. We know that you’ll want to tell your colleagues about this one!

For this self-learning module entitled “Facilitating Learning with Intercultural & DEI Outcomes,” Aletha D. Stahl, PhD, and her graduate assistant Filza Armadita set out to interview 8 seasoned facilitators who work in higher education and in community education in Indiana. You can see the introduction to the module here. In the course, the 8 facilitators take turns answering questions such as:

Interspersed among the interviews are opportunities to read current research on the topics above and then to journal and reflect.

To learn more about this self-learning module, please start by logging in at and then going to When you feel that you are ready to see more beyond the HubICL block, please click REGISTER in the periwinkle box which will take you to the course homepage.

Don’t forget that this module is at no cost to the user, so don’t hesitate to click all around in the HubICL block and then in the actual course before deciding if this module is right for you. You’ll notice in Dr. Stahl’s introductory video, she welcomes learners to dive deep or skim/skip, but should you finish all of the content, don’t forget to fill out the Qualtrics at the very end of the course, so we can add this block to your HubICL learning profile in the PDZ.

New Reviews of Tools in the Toolbox

Did you know that you can help others with their facilitation by publishing a review in the HubICL’s Toolbox? These reviews let others know how you implemented a tool from the Toolbox and how it worked—or didn’t—in your context. You don’t have to be a professional in the field of intercultural learning to publish a review. For instance, take a look at the  disciplines represented by the reviewers who published a review in October:

1. Activity: Individualist-Collectivist Quiz

Reviewer: Heather Pherson Fabries, Global Co-Op Education Programs Specialist, Office of Professional Practice, College of Engineering, Purdue University

2. Activity: Consensus Cards

Reviewer: Andrew D. Woolcock, Associate Professor, Small Animal Internal Medicine Section Chief, Small Animal International Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University

We’d love to have a review of a Toolbox Tool from you!

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye on breaking developments concerning Global Wake Forest’s 2024 WISE conference. CILMAR and the HubICL will be well-represented with a pre-conference workshop, concurrent 75-minute sessions, and more!

Thanks to you, HubICL use continues to increase!

              HubICL account holders: 4400

              Total Users in October 2023: 1061

              Users/weekday: 50

For the latest on what’s going on in the HubICL:



              Intercultural Learning Hub | CILMAR (


  1. DEI
  2. facilitation
  3. Global Wake Forest
  4. WISE

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