"Publications on Intercultural Learning on Campus" 7 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Intercultural Interactions Outside the Classroom

Source: Lehto, W.Y., Cai, L.A., Fu, X., & Chen, Y. (2014). Intercultural interactions outside the classroom: Narratives on a US campus. Journal of College Student Development, 55, 837-853.

Through 9 focus group sessions, the study examines how domestic and international students connected or disconnected outside the classroom and demonstrates the barriers to intercultural learning. In addition, the study suggests a number of practical implications, such as systematic interventions, community visits, and credit-based outdoor interactive activity.

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Perceived communicative competence in higher education

Source: 2014 - Exploring perceived communicative competence in upper-level L1 and L2 interactions in higher education, Heejung Kwon

This dissertation study explores the ways in which second language learners (L2) and native speakers of English (L1) form perceptions of one another and negotiate miscommunication in the process of intercultural competence development. The study showed that L2 were highly motivated but anxious during the interaction with L1, while L1 reported empathy toward L2 and expressed anxiety in understanding L2's needs or feelings. 

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Developing Leadership Competencies for STEM Fields

Source: Akdere, M., Hickman, L., & Kirchner, M. (2019). Developing Leadership Competencies for STEM Fields: The Case of Purdue Polytechnic Leadership Academy. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 21(1), 49-71.

This study describes a competency modeling framework that inform the design of STEM education programs to identify needed interpersonal skills and successfully develop them in STEM students. The authors conducted focus groups and interviews with industry partners, and validated the model through empirical investigation of student outcomes by measuring proficiency, surveying alumni, and discussing with employers. 


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Academic, Social, and Linguistic Integration of International Students

Source: Park, K. (2019). Being Connected: Academic, Social, and Linguistic Integration of International Students (Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University).

The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between academic and social integration of international (n = 253) and domestic students (n = 50) on campus. The results indicated that international students were more exposed to interaction with peers from different language backgrounds in formal academic contexts, such as classroom activities, peer-group work. However, neither international nor domestic students utilized opportunities in informal contexts to interact with each other. 

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Racial segregation

Source: Kwon, S. A., Hernandez, X., & Moga, J. L. (2019). Racial segregation and the limits of international undergraduate student diversity. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 22(1), 59-72.

The authors examined how Asian American students and key Asian American units took on the responsibility of integrating the growing Asian international undergraduate population into student life organizations and activities. The study implied that the institutional arrangement reflected the university's value of diversity, but overlooked the larger patterns of racial segregation on campus, and the marginalized status of racial minority students. The study provided implications for understanding diversity enhancement initiatives in higher education.

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Diversity and inclusion in the college classroom

Source: https://provost.tufts.edu/celt/files/Diversity-and-Inclusion-Report.pdf

This is a faculty-focused report that features 20 articles about the importance of diversity and inclusion in higher education settings and practice/activities that can be applied by faculty. For example, in Teaching and Learning “Respect” and “Acceptance” in the Classroom, the author notes a DEEP model (Developing appropriate language use, Encouraging open and honest dialogue, Empowering students to share, Processing information by reconnecting it to course content). These articles contain many practical tools that can help create an inclusive and respectful classroom environment.

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Climate for learning and openness


Citation: Ryder, A. J., Reason, R. D., Mitchell, J. J., Gillon, K., & Hemer, K. M. (2015, October 5). Climate for Learning and Students’ Openness to Diversity and Challenge: A Critical Role for Faculty. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0039766

This article examines the relationship between perceptions of climate for learning and students’ level of openness to diversity and challenge (ODC). Using Bronfenbrenner’s process-person-context-time (PPCT) model of student environments as the theoretical framework, the study found that a climate for learning and faculty advocacy for the respect of diverse ideas is positively associated with students’ openness to diversity and challenge. Faculty members who encourage the exploration of different cultures and worldviews help increase students’ ODC.

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