Intercultural Pedagogy (Faculty Development Series)

Subgroup Size

Entire group


10 hours

External Cost



Created by CILMAR Staff, Purdue University.

As a result of this curriculum, faculty/staff will be able to: 1. Develop the capacity to be more a effective cultural mentor to students while leading study abroad. 2. Understand existing research & theory on how learning occurs in cross-cultural contexts, such as short-term study abroad. 3. Recognize 6 component attitudes, skills & knowledge domains of the construct "intercultural competence." 4. Identify student-centered learning activities and reflection techniques that support acquisition of one or more of  the above. 5. Draw connections, for students, between the attitudes, skills and knowledge domains of intercultural competence and their own discipline or the student's major. 6. Create and execute an action plan for fostering deeper intercultural learning, using backwards design techniques as well as formative and summative assessment tools. 7. Use assessment and backwards design to continuously improve their teaching and mentoring of students.