
Subgroup Size

Entire group


25 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Activity developed by Dr. Kris Acheson-Clair, CILMAR. 


The idea of the cultural iceberg (or the iceberg analogy of culture) comes from Edward T. Hall's Beyond Culture.

Hall, E.T. (1976). Beyond culture. Anchor Books. 


A Qualtrics version of this assessment added by Heidi Parker, College of Engineering, Purdue University

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  1. User annettebenson1's profile picture annettebenson1 3:16 am 06 April 2020

    A couple of years ago, I first saw Dr. Acheson-Clair facilitate this exercise with a group of second-year engineering students. I was amazed at how much more the students interacted with the concept by using the Post-It notes than I had seen them when the content was displayed as a PowerPoint slide with the differences pre-populated on the iceberg. For example, when two students prepared a Post-It note with the same cultural value on it but put it on two different places on the iceberg, it created conversation about their rationale. It caused the students to think through and kinesthetically experience how things below the water drive things above the water.