"The Limits and Potentials of Rhetoric" 15 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Practicing Invitational Rhetoric in the Writing Center

This slide deck describes invitational rhetoric and how it informs feminist learning spaces like writing centers.

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Story Circles

This learning and dialogue method was developed by Darla Deardorff to provide spaces for learners to grow in their intercultural competence skills. In this activity, participants practice listening for understanding, demonstrate respect, curiosity and empathy for others, and develop relationships with culturally different others.


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Don’t Say ‘Privilege’: Can the Left Find Better Words for Talking with People on the Right?

This article, from Sadiya Ansari at The Guardian, explores methods for open conversation and listening to understand based on research and findings on what tends put up and pull down walls in dialogue.

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How Unexamined Judgments Skew Our Understanding of the World | Sharon Kristjanson | TEDxWilmette

This video is informative for those who are working to incorporate aspects of invitational rhetoric into their interactions. Sharon Kristjanson offers 3 phrases to consider when engaging in conversation, "Ask yourself, 'How am I interpreting this?,' 'What do I not know?,' and say to the other person, 'Tell me more'" to engage in "discovery instead of debate...and transform any interaction into a creative possibility" (Kristjanson, 2021). 

Kristjanson, S. [TEDx Talks]. (2021, May 17). How unexamined judgments skew our understanding of the world \ Sharon Kristjanson \ TEDXWILMETTE. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2pDFlCL7wM


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Braver Angels

This organization's mission is to "“bring Americans together to bridge the partisan divide and strengthen [our] democratic republic.” They offer spaces for debate and workshops to learn skills for constructive conversations, finding common ground, and more. This could be used by practitioners as a case study to analyze and apply an invitational rhetorical lens. 

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Civil Discourse - Smarter Every Day

In this activity, participants identify elements of civil discourse, reflect on the meaning and importance of civil discourse, reflect critically on their own ability to conduct civil discourse, and imagine future scenarios engaging in civil discourse. This activity employs several aspects of invitational rhetoric including active listening and civility and could be used by practitioners to explore invitational rhetoric further with learners. 

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A Conversation Between a Conservative Mother and Liberal Son

A mother and son record a conversation discussing their differing views in this USA Today article. Practitioners might consider using this as a case study upon which to apply the lens of invitational rhetoric and encourage learners to analyze the conversation from the viewpoint of invitational rhetoric. 

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10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation

In this video, Celeste Headlee lists 10 helpful ideas for entering into meaningful and productive conversations. 

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Beyond Traditional Conceptualizations of Rhetoric: Invitational Rhetoric and a Move Toward Civility

This article by Bone et al. explores common critiques of invitational rhetoric while presenting a case for its effectiveness in challenging situations. 

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The History of the AIDS Memorial Quilt

This article introduces the Aids Memorial Quilt, a memorial for individuals who died of AIDS. The quilt was meant to represent and honor these individuals, communicating their stories and making room for the stories of many existing all together in one space rather than competing for space or debating with one another. 

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Re-imagining Rhetoric

In this activity, participants will articulate and critique current and alternative rhetorical approaches, reframe traditional rhetorical practices that end in win and loss and develop ways of conceptualizing and honoring opposing viewpoints that exist in the same space, and consider new and inviting ways of engaging with those who hold different opinions and perspectives.

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Invitational Rhetoric Activity

In this activity, participants will discuss differing perspectives with the goal of mutual understanding rather than persuasion.

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Beyond persuasion: A proposal for an invitational rhetoric

This scholarly article is the original proposal of invitational rhetoric by Sonja Foss and Cindy Griffin.

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A List of Possible Topics for Invitational Rhetoric Rather than Debate

This resource provides possible debate topics to practice using invitational rhetoric rather than debate.

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A Video Introduction to Invitational Rhetoric

This YouTube video from Kris Knutson is a 12-minute introduction to Invitational Rhetoric. 

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