Culture Shock Absorber

Subgroup Size

Entire group


1 hour

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Activity adapted by:

Ogden, A (2009). Culture shock absorber. UK Education Abroad Faculty Toolkit.


The origin of the original activity is unknown.

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  1. User mosca's profile picture mosca 9:36 am 28 August 2020

    This activity that is inherently applicable to the world language study and most of all study abroad. A reduced variation of this activity was used in a faculty-led study abroad at Purdue. The variation consisted in providing broad guiding questions instead of explicitly separating the eight steps.

    Depending on the language level of participants, it may also be performed in the target language. Participants can be guided in the analysis and reflection about the target culture via the use questions based also on the Thiagi debrief. These questions can be adapted to develop any intercultural skills, for example curiosity or self-awareness.

    Duration is variable depending on the experience.