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Nipporica Associates, LLC. (2018). Redundancía: A foreign language simulation [Game]. Cultural Detective.
8:32 am 21 June 2019
So. Full disclosure here: I am one of those annoying people who can probably be categorized as "a good language-learner." I still remember how emotionally powerful it was to play Redundancia the first time & experience the frustration that most language-learners must when trying to communicate across linguistic difference! Redundancia is also excellent for those who have never had the experience of trying to learn or to speak another language. I recommend it very highly -- it reaches across the spectrum of communication competencies!
7:44 pm 09 October 2019
Many COIL experiences use English as the medium of instruction, with a mix of native and non-native English speakers participating. In some cases, it's a good idea to prepare the native English-speakers for these interactions by helping them to understand what non-native speakers may be experiencing. Redundancia is a very effective (though not free) empathy-building activity that is a great way to make native speakers more aware of the power dynamics that privilege their own contributions to discussions and more willing to be accommodating listeners in COIL/international virtual education interactions with non-native speakers.
2:09 am 19 December 2019
Don't let the cost of Redundancia put you off this tool. The Thiagi jolt called Talk-Speak, offers the same experience without the price tag of Redundancia.