Tags: curriculum

All Categories (1-55 of 55)

  1. Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM): Tricky Communication

    Collections | 09 Jul 2024 | Posted by Candice Progler-Thomsen

    This collection provides self-directed training resources on embedding portable intercultural learning modules (PIM), small learning units focused on one or two elements of intercultural competence...


  2. Intercultural Learning in Italian Courses | Seed Grant 2018

    Collections | 16 May 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    Tatjana pulls back the veil on curriculum revision. She walks us through the process she and her colleagues used, the frameworks they built upon, the reasoning behind the choices they made, and...


  3. Intercultural Learning in Italian Courses | Seed Grant 2018

    Collections | 16 May 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    Tatjana pulls back the veil on curriculum revision. She walks us through the process she and her colleagues used, the frameworks they built upon, the reasoning behind the choices they made, and...


  4. ICL in the Italian Classroom: Advanced Italian I

    Collections | 16 May 2024 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This course, created by Tatjana Babic Williams in the School of Languages at Purdue University for Italian learners, includes a module on the concept of empathy in an intercultural context.


  5. SWOT Analysis

    Collections | 10 Apr 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    In this activity, participants use the SWOT analysis method to critically analyze and revise intercultural and linguistic goals set at the beginning of the semester abroad experience, practice...


  6. James Madison University's Global Studies Curriculum by CoreCollaborative International

    Collections | 04 Apr 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    Although not research, the Global Studies Curriculum is aligned with the constructs behind the BEVI assessment tool; thus, it might be of interest to those perusing this Collection. For more...


  7. Instructional Materials for Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM): Tricky Communication

    Collections | 01 Apr 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM) are small learning units focused on a single element of intercultural competence (one construct from the American Association of Colleges & Universities...


  8. Intercultural Competence in First-Year Animal Science Students | Seed Grant 2021

    18 Aug 2023 | Presentations | Contributor(s):

    By Elizabeth L Karcher1, Paul Ebner1

    Purdue University

    The objective of the study was to explore and describe the intercultural competence of Fall 2021 Animal Sciences incoming students through the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).


  9. Social Justice and the Research Curriculum

    Collections | 12 Jun 2022 | Posted by Muna Sapkota

    https://www.jstor.org/stable/23043879?seq=1 Longres, J. F., & Scanlon, E. (2001). Social Justice and the Research Curriculum. Journal of Social Work Education, 37(3),...


  10. Re-envisioning the Italian Curriculum through Active Learning and Literacy

    14 Sep 2021 | Publications | Contributor(s):

    By Annalisa Mosca

    Purdue University

    The article discusses the relationship between Literacy Active Learning, and Intercultural Competence, known also as Global Competence or Translingual Competence providing concrete examples of...


  11. Katherine Yngve's collection of online intercultural 'courses'

    Collections | 03 Apr 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    If you are looking for a self-contained program of study out there that you could send learners to or incorporate into a course or training program of your own, Katherine Yngve has some suggestions...


  12. Intercultural learning in semester-long study abroad: A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of one-on-one versus group-mentored interventions - updated

    17 Mar 2020 | Open Access Publications | Contributor(s):

    By Daniel Charles Jones1, Kris Acheson-Clair1, Michelle M. Campbell2

    1. Purdue University 2. Duke University

    This study corroborates previous findings on the effectiveness of mentorship in study abroad and offers innovations for scaling up institutional efforts to support intercultural learning to reach...


  13. 2019 Intercultural Pedagogy Grant Workshop Series

    Collections | 24 Feb 2020 | Posted by Holly Hyde Porter-Gaud School

    This collection includes the materials and PPTs for each of four Workshops along with homework assignments and supplemental materials. Additionally, pre-Workshop and program completion materials...


  14. Pre-Workshop Online Unit

    Collections | 14 Nov 2019 | Posted by Daniel Charles Jones

    This unit provides an overview of the IPG requirements, curriculum, and supplemental materials related to the program and Intercultural Learning research.


  15. Post #872

    Collections | 08 Nov 2019 | Posted by Daniel Charles Jones

    The syllabus outlines the specific themes and topics covered in the workshop as well as the specifics about the administration of the workshop series.


  16. Intercultural Learning in Linked 1st Year English Courses | Seed Grant 2018

    29 Oct 2019 | Presentations | Contributor(s):

    By Bradley Dilger1, Hadi Banat1, Rebekah Sims1, Parva Panahi Lazarjani1, Phuong Tran1

    Purdue University

    Dr. Bradley Dilger and PhD students Hadi Banat, Rebekah Sims, Parva Panahi Lazarjani, and Phuong Tran present on interactively linking courses of international and domestic students to foster...


  17. Building Bridges: A Peace Corps Classroom Guide to Cross-Cultural Understanding

    Collections | 25 Jun 2019 | Posted by Aletha D Stahl

    Book designed for middle and high school students based on PCV experiences. Less useful for PCP, but a possible resource for PCP students working with children. 


  18. Building Intercultural Competencies (syllabus)

    Collections | 25 Jun 2019 | Posted by Aletha D Stahl

    Purdue's PCP required course: "This two-credit intercultural course is open to anyone interested in deepening intercultural knowledge and skills. The course is a requirement for completing...


  19. Intercultural Learning in Italian Courses | Seed Grant 2018

    15 Apr 2019 | Presentations | Contributor(s):

    By Tatjana Babic Williams

    Purdue University

    Tatjana Babic-Williams, Italian faculty at Purdue University, presents on embedding intercultural learning into the Italian curriculum.


  20. Introduction to Communication: open source textbook compiled by Tony Arduini

    Collections | 19 Feb 2019 | Posted by Julie Medlin

    Includes chapters on culture and communication and on diversity in group interactions. Otherwise, material does not address intercultural learning explicitly.


  21. AFS Global Competence Certificate


  22. Analyzing Your Field in a New Country


  23. Beyond Our Wildest Dreams: Racial Equity Learning Modules Volume One (REL1)


  24. Beyond Our Wildest Dreams: Racial Equity Learning Modules Volume Two (REL2)


  25. Core Qualities of a Successful Professional


  26. Critical Incidents for Intercultural Communication


  27. Cultural Mentoring Course #1 (E-mentoring)


  28. Cultural Mentoring Course #2 (Returnees)


  29. Cultural Mentoring Course #3 (On-site)


  30. Cultural Mentoring Course #4 (E-mentoring)


  31. Cultural Mentoring Course #5 (Returnees)


  32. Cultural Mentoring Course #6 (On-Site)


  33. Ditching Deficit Ideology: The First Step Toward Cultivating an Equity Commitment


  34. Fifty Case Studies in Intercultural Communication


  35. Five Rs of Culture Change, The


  36. Good intentions are not enough: A decolonizing intercultural education


  37. ICL in the Italian Classroom: Advanced Italian I


  38. ICL in the Italian Classroom: Novice Italian I


  39. ICL in the Italian Classroom: Novice Italian II


  40. Intercultural Communication (Graduate Syllabus)


  41. Intercultural Competence Chapter


  42. Intercultural Education Resources for Erasmus Students and their Teachers (IEREST)


  43. Intercultural Pedagogy (Faculty Development Series)


  44. Intercultural Training Exercise Pack


  45. Learning to Be a Threat to Inequity (Webinar + Reflection Exercises)


  46. Learning to Be a Threat to Inequity: Intro to Equity Literacy


  47. MSW@USC Diversity Toolkit: A Guide to Discussing Identity, Power and Privilege


  48. Professional Biographies


  49. Spinning Career Gold


  50. SWOT Analysis


  51. Teamwork Self-Assessment


  52. Technology and the Global Society


  53. Theatre (Theater) of the Oppressed


  54. Transforming White Privilege: A 21st Century Leadership Capacity


  55. Understanding Equity and Inequity
