Cultural Controllability Scale

Subgroup Size

Entire group


5 minutes

External Cost



Assessment developed by Louis Hickman, Polytechnic Institute, Dr. Kris Acheson-Clair, CILMAR, and Dr. Mesut Akdere, Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University.

Hickman, L., Acheson, K., & Akdere, M. (2019). Implicit theory of cultural controllability: Scale development and evidence of convergent/discriminant validity. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development International Research Conference.

This assessment can be used formatively (assessment for learning) to inform curriculum design, summatively, in a pre/posttest format (assessment of learning) to measure growth as the result of a learning intervention, or as part of the learning process (assessment as learning) in which results are debriefed and discussed with learners as a group.