Rubrica Valutativa della Competenza Interculturale

Subgroup Size

Entire group


15 minutes

External Cost



Baiutti, M. (2019) Rubrica valutativa [Evaluative rubric]. In Protocollo di valutazione intercultura: Comprendere, problematizzare, e valutare la mobilità studentesca internazionale (pp. 151-154). Editzione ETS. 



This rubric was created specifically for secondary school learning environments (and is currently available in Italian and English). 

As with all rubrics, this instrument is meant to allow the instructor or assessor to categorize degrees of learning exhibited in an artifact of learning, as completed by a student or group of students. Typically this artifact of learning will be an oral or written piece of reflective work. In some cases, rubrics may also apply to behaviors.

For a scholarly account, in English, of the foundations of this assessment project, see also:

Baiutti, M. (2018). Fostering assessment of student mobility in secondary schools: indicators of intercultural competence. Intercultural Education, 29(5-6), 549-570.

Baiutti, M., & Paolone, A. R. (2018). The intercultural educational value of the logbook during the individual experience of international student mobility: Teachers' perspectives. Encyclopaideia, 22(52), 55-72.

This assessment was submitted by Dr. Annalisa Mosca in fulfillment of the requirements of the Intercultural Pedagogy Grant program.