I Am Poems

Subgroup Size

Small Group


30 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


The "I Am" poem frame has been used by educators in a variety of contexts. Please see the Links tab for several options.

This tool could have a focus on diversity and inclusion depending on how it is facilitated. In Links, there is a YouTube video titled "Before You Call the Cops - The Tyler Merrill Project." Facilitators can use this video as a way to discuss the relationship between diversity, inclusion, and identity, as well as how minority identities are often perceived in a way that is dangerous and discriminatory. 

In Gorski's notes on this tool, he says, "Because some individuals will include very personal information, some may be hesitant to read their poems, even in small groups. It is sometimes effective in such situations for facilitators to share their poems first. Consider sharing your poem before asking students to write their own pieces. If you make yourself vulnerable, others will be more comfortable doing the same."