Street Dog's Life, A

Subgroup Size

Entire group


45 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Activity created by William S. Smith II, College of Veterinary Medicine, Director of International Programs, Purdue University based on the following:


Adibu, F.A. (n.d.). Danger of a single story. HubICL Toolbox.

As a result of using this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the ways in which narratives and stories can create stereotypes about people and places. 2. Analyze a “single story” about a specific group of people or culture. 3. Demonstrate how “single stories” influence bias and stereotypes in order to complicate and grow out of these viewpoints. 4. Recognize the importance of thinking critically on global issues related to veterinary medicine. 5. Apply the "Danger of a Single Story" to new contexts.