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Wächter, A. (Director). (2017, recut). Crossing borders. Crossing Borders Education.
3:19 pm 07 October 2019
I really like this documentary for both pre-departure for traditional study abroad and for COIL/international virtual education experiences. Watching and then discussing this film allows students to open up and be vulnerable about their own processes of becoming more aware of the cultural stereotypes they have of others as they prepare to interact more intimately through immersion or online interaction. If you don't have access to the whole film through your institution, cannot afford to purchase a copy, or simply want to use shorter film clips as part of a dialogue or written reflection activity, there are several excerpts available for free streaming from the Crossing Borders Education website.
8:21 am 06 February 2020
In discussions with new study abroad program leaders, this video series has opened up possibilities for using multimedia in intercultural instruction. These videos allow for discussion on difficult topics with a low threat level for participants. Additionally, they serve as a template for other similar videos to be used. Study Abroad leaders are often inspired to scour YouTube to find similar videos that specifically focus on their program's target culture and language. The dramatic narratives in these videos also allow viewers to be drawn in, make emotional connections, and therefore, more easily access empathy.