
The SALTO Youth Toolbox

Annette Benson pulled this toolbox into one of her collections, with lots of concrete details about where to find elements of the SALTO collection in the HubICL, so I am passing along that resource to you here.

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Icebreakers with physical props

For those of you who like to give your students something physical to manipulate, these experiential tools are great for icebreakers as well as debriefing learning. My absolute favorite is the Mini-metaphor set, so that is the one I linked here. Click Related Tools for other similar products, and check out under Links the video I made explaining how I like to use these.

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Icebreakers that highlight culture

Two of my favorite culturally focused icebreakers are Voices from the Past and the Name Game. You can read what I wrote about them in this TESOL collection or visit them directly in the toolbox. Both are great in diverse groups but also can be fruitful in more homogenous language classrooms.

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In any collection for teachers I like to include a few icebreakers that are appropriate to the teaching context. Many teachers overlook the teaching potential of icebreakers, which are useful for more than having students get to know each other and can be a great source of cultural knowledge or at least an opportunity for self-awareness development. That said, there are some caveats to icebreakers, and I think this blog highlighted in Annette Benson's collection on Icebreakers that Teach is good food for thought. While you are there, check out the rest of Annette's handy collection!

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A new open access professional development module

If you'd like to take a deep dive into the Pendulum model, there is now an open access learning module in the HubICL's Professional Development Zone for you to explore and apply.

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Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair onto The Pendulum Model

Another podcast feature

More recently, Sundae and I discuss the Pendulum model and our latest related project on Richard Farkas' podcast, The Intercultural Toolbox. You can find the video version here.

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Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair onto The Pendulum Model

A podcast explanation

When the article first came out, Sundae and I talked it up on her award-winning podcast series, Expat Happy Hour.

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Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair onto The Pendulum Model

A Pendulum Worksheet

You can download not only the article but a handy 2 page fillable pdf reflection worksheet on the Pendulum model from the Publications area of the HubICL.

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Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair onto The Pendulum Model

The Original Article

Here's where it all began. The link here leads to the open access article available for free download from the publisher. This article is also available published inside the HubICL.

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Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair onto The Pendulum Model

Instructor Notes for Staging Your Own Assessment Smackdown

Just what the title says.

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Instruments cited in the Smackdown video

This document lists the instruments cited in the Smackdown video.  Note that in order to open the HubICL "curation card" about each instrument, you'll need to be logged into a HubICL account.

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Intercultural Praxis Video

In this video, participants will learn to understand the Intercultural Praxis model and identify concrete examples of each aspect of the cycle (Inquiry, Framing, Positioning, Dialogue, Reflection and Action). 

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Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson onto Intercultural Praxis Collection

Intercultural Praxis Case Study Activity

In this activity, participants will read a case study about a diverse group of students attending an environmental justice event. The students in the case study have conflicting viewpoints about environmental justice based on their own cultural frameworks.

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Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson onto Intercultural Praxis Collection

Intercultural Praxis Model

In this book, participants will be able to gain familiarity with the study of communication among cultures, recognize history, power, and global institutions as central to understanding the relationships and contexts that shape intercultural communication, value reflection and action. and practice these tools to create a more equitable world through communication.

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Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson onto Intercultural Praxis Collection

Computer Keyboard Keys

This activity can be used in team-building workshops for the dual purpose of introductions and reflection. This facilitation tool is easily adaptable to different contexts, e.g., the activity can be used to facilitate discussion about participants’ progress in class research projects.

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Air Handshake Mingle and No Touch Mingle

For this activity, participants will learn how to build rapport, make introductions, create connections, review names, and become more comfortable with each other.

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Personal Agendas in Teamwork

In this activity, participants will learn how to define and identity personal agendas, and study how personal agendas can create conflicts in a Case Study. Students engage in group and small group discussion to explore their understanding of personal agendas.

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Comfort with Discomfort

This lesson asks participants to reflect on their emotions and practice managing them during interactions that may be tense or uncomfortable. They can choose either to talk with a family member or close friend with whom they disagree on a deeply-held value/belief or to attend an event in which their social identity is minoritized. Either way, they will reflect on their emotions before, during, and after the conversation/event and consider how they might more strategically manage their emotions for future difficult encounters.

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Turning the Tables

This activity asks participants to create their own retelling of a popular movie, comic, novel, or historical event and reflect on their experience of shifting perspectives.

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Thick Description Observation

This lesson challenges participants to practice thick description and dig deeper into how culture impacts how people design and use physical spaces. They will choose a space to observe and then write a thick description essay based on the notes that they take.

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Five D's of Bystander Intervention Training

In this activity, participants read Hollaback’s description of the 5 D’s and the decision tree and then answer several discussion questions. The 5 D’s of Bystander Intervention Training were developed by Hollaback to help combat bias and harassment. The purpose of the 5 D’s is to empower individuals to support someone who is the target of harassment. 

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Analysis of an Intercultural Interaction

In this lesson plan, participants describe an intercultural interaction. Participants choose an interaction in which they took part, as this will be more beneficial for them in terms of self-awareness. The interaction participants choose should have involved some confusion, misunderstanding, conflict, or offense of some sort, on their part or on the part of others involved, and which may or may not have been resolved. Participants identify who was involved, where they were and under what circumstances, what was said or not said, and what happened. 

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Emic Perspective

This lesson presents the concepts of etic (outsider/objective) and emic (insider/subjective) understanding of culture. The slides explain the differences in these two perspectives, offer motivation for developing emic perspectives by discussing the value of this viewpoint, list some strategies for learning to see a culture from the insider viewpoint, and use concrete (published) case study examples as fodder for practice and instruction. 

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Taking my motivational temperature on language learning

This assessment measures: 1. Emotions as possible barriers to effective language learning. 2. Emotional baggage that is brought to language learning situations. 

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Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve onto Assessments

Revised Environmental Identity Behavior

This cross-culturally validated, free, 14-question survey instrument "... was developed to measure individual differences in a stable sense of interdependence and connectedness with nature."  As such, it relates to capacity for mindfulness and emotional resilience.

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Katherine Yngve onto Assessments