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Resources for Practitioners: Articles and Videos

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Proxemics

Proxemics Activities

  • Draw a House (45 min)
    In this activity, participants are asked to draw a floor plan of a house based on their own experiences and understandings of how houses are typically arranged. They will then compare their floor plans and discuss the differences between them. 
  • Fence in or Fence out (45 min)
    Through this activity, participants learn about how their own and other cultures think about and use land/space. 
  • Mental Mapping (20 min)
    In this activity, participants draw, share, and compare their own mental maps of a shared space in order to better understand how other people experience the same space differently. 
  • The Mockingbird (10 min)
    In this activity, participants learn to model and articulate the concept of cultural distance.
  • Nonverbal Communication: Proxemics Surveys (45 min)
    These surveys explore our sense of personal space and how it is influenced by culture (gender, age, ethnicity and profession, as well as by nation). 
  • Oxford University Press Nonverbal Communication Activities (duration variable)
    This resource includes 9 activities to introduce nonverbal communication and culture.
  • Proxemics in Conversation Across Cultures (15 minutes)
    In this short activity, participants begin by having a conversation at a distance and slowly close the gap in distance. They then debrief how it made them feel and discuss how culture informs proxemic behavior and articulate their own cultural rules for using distance and space.

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Proxemics