My Plan for Intercultural Growth

Subgroup Size

Entire group


2 hours

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Created by Dr. Aletha Stahl, CILMAR, Purdue University.


Uses Intercultural Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge Short Scale (ASKS2); Holgate, Parker & Calahan, Purdue Center for Instructional Excellence.

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  1. User hickey7's profile picture hickey7 11:48 am 30 November 2023

    This plan for intercultural growth is an interesting tool to utilize with students if you want them to work independently and individually. I appreciate the detailed plan of action, and various steps in how to measure one's success within this tool, however I think students would appreciate examples of an action plan. I've found that while students appreciate their independence, they often need a small example to help them shape their thoughts. I also understand that this vagueness could be helpful considering what class you are teaching and that the individual instructor could shape an action plan for the students. I appreciate how this tool could be implemented for students that are engaged with an independent study, or an extended study abroad program.