
Self-Care Wheel and Worksheet

This assessment measures mindful self-empathy and emotional resilience in the stressed individual and self-awareness of cultural discomfort in a new context. 

Both the self-care wheel and the accompanying worksheet are available in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants can complete this activity individually and then send it to the facilitator/instructor.

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Self-Awareness and Core Cultural Values

This activity allows participants to evaluate their self-awareness of their cultural identity and their core cultural values. It is designed for students who are studying abroad but could be adapted to different contexts.

All materials associated with this activity are available in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants can complete this activity individually on their own time and then send it to the facilitator/instructor.

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Revised Sociocultural Adaptation Scale (SCAS-R)

This assessment measures interpersonal communication. academic and work performance, community involvement, ecological adaptation, and language proficiency. Additionally, instructors or learners who use the instrument will become more aware of their ability to adapt to a new culture, and possibly also more attuned to the emotional cost of doing so.

The assessment is available in the Links section of this tool. Participants can complete this survey on their own time and send their results to the facilitator/instructor. 

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Practicing Mindfulness

This activity helps participants to increase their self-awareness as well as their awareness of others and learn how to slow down before reacting.

The instructions for this activity are in the Downloads section. The instructions are written for a group, but individuals could do this exercise on their own. 

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Personal Identity Wheel

This worksheet helps participants to describe and reflect on their identities in terms of their skills, favorite books/movies, hobbies, etc. 

All of the materials required for this activity are available through the LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative at University of Michigan (see the Links section in this tool). Participants can complete this activity individually on their own time and then post it to an online discussion board so that they can get to know their peers, or they can send the worksheet to the facilitator/instructor once it is completed. 

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Pendulum Intercultural Development Continuum Worksheet

This worksheet allows participants to apply the metaphor of a pendulum to their own experiences for a more robust and realistic understanding of their own intercultural competence, reflect on the outside forces/events/environmental factors that impede their development of intercultural competence by pulling them towards a focus on similarity and difference, and identify strategies and behaviors they can employ to stay balanced and maintain their intercultural competence.

The worksheet is available in the Links section of this tool. The link leads to a publication in the HubICL research repository where it can be downloaded. Then, participants can complete the worksheet individually on their own time and send it to facilitators/instructors.

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Openness to Diversity and Challenge Scale

This assessment measures the degree to which a participant is comfortable with being challenged by difference. 

The assessment is available in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants can complete it individually on their own time and then send the results to the facilitator/instructor.

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My Plan for Intercultural Growth

In this activity, participants list activities that will help them personally develop in one domain of intercultural knowledge and competence from the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric. They also identify evidence that signals they have personally developed in that domain.  

All the materials required for this activity are available online (see both the Links and Downloads sections of this tool), and participants can complete the activity individually on their own time. 

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My Emotional Hot Buttons

This activity enables participants to examine what kind behaviors bother or challenge them, learn about their emotional "hot buttons," and plan for ways to manage their reactions to "hot buttons" behaviors. 

Michael Vande Berg created a version of this activity that is available online (see the Links section of this tool). Participants can complete this activity individually on their own time and then send it to facilitators/instructors. 

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Motivation for Language Learning Quiz

This assessment measures emotions as possible barriers to effective learning, as well as emotional baggage that is brought to learning situations. 

This assessment is available online (see both the Links and Downloads sections in this tool). Participants can take the quiz on their own time and send results to the facilitator/instructor.

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Monochronic-Polychronic Quiz

This quiz helps participants to understand the differences between monochronic and polychronic time, as well as identify which cultural behaviors align with this cultural value dimension.

The original quiz is in Storti's Figuring Foreigners Out: A Practical Guide, but a similar activity is available in University of the Pacific's What's Up with Culture online modules (see the Links section of this tool).

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Mindful Breathing Meditation

This activity helps participants to relax and focus on the process of breathing and the present moment.

The audio file is available in the Links section of this tool, so participants can complete this activity individually on their own time.

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Migration: An Empathy Exercise

This reflective activity helps participants to understand the experiences of individuals who have been displaced from their homes.

All of the materials needed for this activity are available in the Links section of this tool, and a majority of the activity can be completed by participants individually on their own time. 

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Mapping Social Identity Timeline Activity

This activity helps participants understand how their identities have developed over time as a result of their cultural environment.

The materials required for this activity are all available in the Links section of this download. The individual portion of the activity can be completed by participants on their own time, and the group portion could be completed over an online discussion board or video chat. 

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

Mapping My Cultural Values

This inventory (available in the Links section of this tool) helps participants to reflect on their cultural values and understand differences in values within and across cultures.

For online learning environments, facilitators/instructors can ask participants to complete the inventory on their own time and then send their results electronically.

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Lost in Translation

This activity is meant to help participants keep a record and reflect on their language learning while they are studying abroad, but it could be adapted to other contexts.

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

Living in a Bubble

This activity challenges participants to begin developing deeper relationships with those who are different from them. They will read The Atlantic article, “These are the Americans who live in a bubble” (in the Links section of this tool) and use it to reflect on their own personal bubbles and how they might further develop relationships across difference.

Participants can fill out the handout included in the Downloads section of this tool on their own time. Then, instructors can choose to have participants answer reflection questions in an essay, or discuss them through an online discussion board or video chat. 

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

Linking Values with Culture Quiz

This assessment measures how participants' values are expressed through behavior. 

This exercise can be completed through the University of the Pacific's What's Up With Culture? modules. This particular activity is module 1.2.2.

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

Kahoot Questions

This activity helps participants to identify the Intercultural Development Continuum stages and analyze the benefits/risks of each stage. 

Kahoot is an online platform with distance learning tools. Facilitators/instructors can create quiz questions through Kahoot, and participants can answer from their own computers or smartphones. 

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Journaling Across Cultures

In this activity, participants are asked to keep a journal where they analyze and reflect on cultural experiences. 

Facilitators/instructors can adapt this activity for online learning by asking participants to journal through blogs. 


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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

Interpersonal Reactivity Index

This assessment measures four facets of empathy: perspective-taking, empathic concern, personal distress, and fantasy (ability to imagine oneself in another's situation).

The index is available online (see the Links section in this tool), and participants can take it on their own time and send results to the facilitator/instructor.

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Intercultural Competency MOOC

This massive open online course (MOOC) helps participants to improve their intercultural competency to succeed in a diverse workplace.

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

Intercultural Autobiography

This activity is designed for students who are studying abroad but could be adapted to other contexts. 

This activity enables participants to introduce themselves to other classmates/group members as well as consider cultural factors that led to their study abroad experience, or another type of experience.

Participants can complete this autobiography on their own time and then share it with their classmates/group members through an online discussion board.

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Intercultural ASKS-2

This assessment measures foundational components of intercultural competence: cultural self-awareness, knowledge of worldview frameworks, empathy, openness, communication, and curiosity.

There is an electronic version of this assessment (see the Links section of this tool). 

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

Individualist-Collectivist Quiz

This activity helps participants to understand the differences between individualist and collectivist cultures and identify which cultural behaviors align with this cultural value dimension.

The original quiz is in Storti's Figuring Foreigner's Out: A Practical Guide, but there is a similar activity in University of the Pacific's What's Up with Culture online modules (see the Links section of this tool).

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning