
Global Mindedness Scale (GMS)

This assessment measures the five facets of global-mindedness (responsibility, cultural pluralism, efficacy, global-centrism, interconnectedness). 

Instructors or learners who access the instrument will be better able to differentiate between the commonly confused concepts of "Intercultural Competence" and "Global Citizenship.

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Virginia Hosono onto intercultural

Research on virtual intercultural learning

This collection includes studies on online intercultural exchange, eGroups collaboration, online learning environments, online learning design, online mentoring, and online intercultural course

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Virginia Hosono onto intercultural

The Rich Really Are Different. They Can Shelter in Nicer Places — NPR Morning Edition

This segment of NPR's Morning Edition highlights the immense disparities between the rich and the working class during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as some of the tone deaf responses from the wealthy on social media.

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A study of learners’ perceptions of online intercultural exchange through Web 2.0 technologies

Lee, L., & Markey, A. (2014). A study of learners’ perceptions of online intercultural exchange through Web 2.0 technologies. ReCALL26(3), 281-297.

This paper reports a Spanish-American telecollaborative project through which students used Twitter, blogs and podcasts for intercultural exchange over the course of one semester. The paper outlines the methodology for the project including pedagogical objectives, task design, selection of web tools and implementation. Using qualitative and quantitative data collection, the study explored how the application of Web 2.0 facilitated cross-cultural communication. How the use of digital technology affected the way in which the students viewed intercultural learning and peer feedback was examined.

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Integrating content-based language learning and intercultural learning online: An international eGroups collaboration

Walker, U. & vom Brocke, C (2009) Integrating content-based language learning and intercultural learning online: An international eGroups collaboration. A. Brown (Ed.)(2009) Proceedings of CLESOL 2008

This paper reports on a didactic concept which integrates subject-based language learning with intercultural experience through online collaboration in an international eGroups set-up. Data from student interactions will help illustrate to what extent the eGroups model promoted interactive, communicative and intercultural competence through content-related bilingual collaboration.

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Communicating Across Cultures, Five Tips in the COVID19 Age — LinkedIn

This article, written by John Knipfing for LinkedIn, provides useful tips on how to avoid miscommunication during virtual conversations. 

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I'm scared to let my son wear a mask. But I'm scared for him not to... — Rage Against the Minivan (Blog)

In this blog post, "a mom of a tall black 15-year-old" describes her fear of her son wearing a mask in public (because of racial bias, profiling, and violence) in conjunction with her fear of him risking illness by not wearing one. Her conflicted thoughts/emotions represent how many Black Americans are currently feeling as the pandemic continues to disproportionately impact marginalized communities. 

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Line Exercise, The

In this activity, participants are asked to consider how their belonging to certain social groups influences their experiences and the opportunities they receive by physically placing themselves on one side of a line or another depending on their identification with particular social categories. 

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Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson onto Privilege

AARCC (Purdue) Teach-In Resources

The Purdue University Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center (AARCC) has compiled resources that aim to help instructors/professors address anti-Asian racism, bias, and violence that has occurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Intercultural Collaborative Project-Based Learning in Online Environments

This chapter addresses the question, “How can we overcome potential cultural discontinuities in online collaborative project-based learning environments?” The authors first identified differing worldviews, communication practices, and technological issues that can present barriers that frequently arise in intercultural online courses. Then they identified constructivist project-based teaching strategies that reduce these intercultural barriers. Differing worldviews can be reconciled by fostering collaboration, grouping, relevance, and metacognition. 

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Effects on marginalized communities

The two articles linked in this post demonstrate both the COVID-19 pandemic's effect on marginalized communities and how those communities have responded. The first article from The Atlantic ("Why Don't We Know Who the Coronavirus Victims Are?) highlights the lack of statistics on communities disproportionately affected by the coronavirus. The second article from Yes Magazine ("12 Ways Communities Are Taking Care of Each Other During the Pandemic") shows how communities who face systemic oppression and are often forgotten by our institutions are sharing resources and helping each other through the crisis. 

The juxtaposition of these two articles demonstrates how culture leads us to respond in particular ways and how we shape culture through our actions. Additionally, they show how power and equity affect our actions and responses. 

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Coronavirus is Changing the Rituals of Death For Many Religions — NPR

This article discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted death and funeral rituals around the world. Many families and friends who recently lost a loved one are facing delayed burials or required social distancing at funerals. 

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Culturally responsive online design: learning at intercultural intersections

Gail Morong & Donna DesBiens (2016) Culturally responsive online design: learning at intercultural intersections, Intercultural Education, 27:5, 474-492, DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2016.1240901

This article presents evidence-based guidelines to inform culturally responsive online learning design in higher education. The guidelines present a base for online design methodology to support intercultural learning and enable formative evaluation of pedagogy, learning activity and assessment applications.

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Optimizing intercultural learning and engagement abroad through online mentoring

This chapter describes the development and implementation of a fully online intercultural communication course that aims to propel students to a higher level of intercultural competence and engagement while they are participating in an international exchange program.

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Matches and Mismatches in Intercultural Learning: Designing and Moderating an Online Intercultural Course

Macfadyen, L. P., Chase, M., Reeder, K., & Roche, J. (2003). Matches and Mismatches in Intercultural Learning: Designing and Moderating an Online Intercultural Course. UBC Community and Partner Publications. C, . Retrieved April 8, 2020, from

This paper explores communicative trends in an online, facilitated course for intercultural learners. The authors examined participation rates and communicative interactivity between culturally diverse learners, and find that participation rates differ by cultural grouping, by gender and by role, and that online interactions are dominated by facilitator- learner exchanges (rather than by peer-to-peer communications). 


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Gen Z Under Lockdown: How They're Coping, From TikTok to Virtual Drinks

This article, written by Isabella Gomez Sarmiento for NPR, looks at how teens and young adults—Generation Z—are handling lockdowns that have occurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sarmiento interviewed young people from or living in South Korea, Italy, the United States, Spain, Mexico, and Chile.

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#Cinemadacasa, Culture against COVID-19 — UNESCO

This article describes the #Cinemadacasa initiative in Rome, in which images from a variety of films are projected onto buildings throughout the city every night. This initiative serves as a way to uplift citizens and pay homage to Rome's connection to the film industry. 

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How COVID-19 is Challenging Cultures — Rough Translation (podcast)

An episode of the NPR podcast Rough Translation features conversations with international correspondents about how culture is affecting responses to COVID-19. 

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World leaders' responses to COVID-19

World leaders' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic are largely dependent on national, regional, or local culture.

The BBC summarizes Queen Elizabeth II's message to the United Kingdom in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the exception of her annual Christmas Day message, the Queen rarely gives speeches, so this was considered a significant event and demonstrates the cultural influence of the monarchy in the United Kingdom. 

A video featured on The Guardian is a compilation of Italian mayors upset and yelling at constituents disobeying lockdown orders.

The National post featured a video of Sint Maarten Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs ordering citizens to buy 2-weeks worth of groceries in the event of a full lockdown and chastising anyone making excuses to disobey stay at home orders. She has been praised for her straight forward communication with citizens.

Since the pandemic was first declared, Jacinda Ardern has been hosting Facebook Live Q&As and communicating with her citizens in a calm and conversational tone. 

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Finland, 'Prepper Nation of the Nordics,' Isn't Worried About Masks — The New York Times

This article, written by Christian Anderson and Henrik Pryser Libell for The New York Times, highlights Finland's stockpile of medical supplies, which they have been building since the 1950s. Anderson and Libell say that the stockpile is a holdover from the Cold War era and also demonstrates a unique cultural value within the country. 

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From Mexico's newest superhero to Iran's most elegant hand-washer: Watch how countries are promoting coronavirus safety — The Washington Post

This visual story, composed by Mary Beth Sheridan for The Washington Post, demonstrates how countries across the world are promoting safety through PSAs about the coronavirus. The PSAs are tailored to cultural norms and traditions. Countries featured within the article include Mexico, Vietnam, Thailand, Egypt, Iran, Senegal, Uganda, and Guatemala.

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COIL (Collaborative Online Intercultural Learning) Collection

Faculty interested in or engaged in COIL can find resources here relevant to the development and assessment of intercultural competence in virtual international education.

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

On-Line Intercultural Learning Curriculum Resources Collection

This collection gathers together a variety of on-line instructional resources, most of them pre-existing courses, that support continued development of intercultural competence in a time of pandemic and study abroad cancellations. All resources have been "backwards-designed", e.g. they begin with specific learner outcome goals, most derived from the AAC&U intercultural knowledge and competence rubric, to advance through targeted intercultural exercises and reflective practice to guide the learner  towards intercultural and/or diversity-inclusion competence.

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

Improvement of Diversity Awareness through a Faculty/Staff-Facing Workshop Series

The evidence-based “Worldview Workshop Series” aims to increase openness to diversity and intercultural competence of faculty, staff, and administrators. Drawing from four phases of Vande Berg's (2009) transformational processes, the program contains topics on Cultural self-awareness, Awareness of others, Communication, Empathy, and Bridging cultural differences. The scores of pre- and post-test on participants’ openness to diversity were measured and compared, to examine the effect of the program on diversity awareness. Participants’ written reflections were also collected to gain rich data.

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Lan Jin onto Conference presentation

Forum on Education Abroad Webinar on Virtual Exchange

Mary Lou Forward, Executive Director of the SUNY COIL center, and I recently (April 2, 2020) facilitated a webinar on Virtual Exchange for the Forum on Education Abroad's free "Response to COVID-19" series.  The video and slides are both permanently available free from the Forum website: This presentation gives a basic intro to virtual exchange, provides three models of virtual exchange along with examples of each, discusses the process of developing a VE, and links to a wealth of training opportunities and resources. 

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Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair onto Virtual Exchange--COIL