Debriefing: Toward a Systematic Assessment of Theory and Practice

According to Lederman (1992), "The process of debriefing is not ancillary to the educational experience to which it is tied. Debriefing is an integral part of any learning experience that is designed to be experience based.... Although a good debriefing may look as it if is natural and spontaneous, it is a predictable process with necessary parts and elements..."

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Article: A Re-Inquiry of Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

Orr, L. M. & Hauser, W. J. (2008). A re-inquiry of Hofstede's cultural dimensions: A call for 21st century cross-cultural research. The Marketing Management Journal, 18(2), 1-19. 

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The Art of Debriefing for Intercultural Learning

"The point of the debrief is not necessarily to make sure all the participants take away the exact same thing—they won’t. That’s the beauty of intercultural learning. However, you do want to ensure most of your learners take away something of value—a new way of seeing things, a connection they hadn’t made before, or a question to consider. And you want to ensure that you have a sense of what that is, and that it’s not completely contrary to the goals of the activity" (Harvey, 2019).

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Article: Beyond Hofstede and GLOBE

Tung, R. L. & Verbecke, A. (Oct. 2010). Beyond Hofstede and GLOBE: Improving the quality of cross-cultural research. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(8), 1259-1274. 

This is a special issue about culture and international business, specifically dealing with Hofstede and GLOBE. 

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Article: Hofstede, culturally questionable?

Jones, M. (2007). Hofstede – Culturally questionable? Oxford Business & Economics Conference. Oxford, UK, 24-26 June, 2007. Retrieved from

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Article: What is culture? A reply to Baskerville

Hofstede, G. (Oct-Nov. 2003). "What is culture? A reply to Baskerville." Accounting, Organizations and Society, 28(7-8), 811-813. ISSN 0361-3682.


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Chapter on Hofstede, Hall, Huntington, and Trompenaars

McSweeney, B. (2015). Hall, Hofstede, Huntington, Trompenaars, GLOBE: Common foundations, common flaws. In Transculturalism and business in the BRIC states: A handbook. New York: Routledge.

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How I Became Addicted to Simulations and Games

Richard B. Powers' entire article is interesting. Along toward the end, he makes some observations about the importance of the debrief.

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Thiagi Debrief

Thiagi’s six-phase model to structure debriefing questions

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Follow-the-Sun Global Technology Team

This stimulation is designed to improve teamwork and features three stages: vision, design, and drawing (p. 217). 

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Trade Mission, The

This is a simulation about trade negotiations. 

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Synthetic Culture Laboratory, The

This is a "framework for creating discussions in synthetic culture roles" (p. 176). It is not a simulation. 

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Role Playing

In this role-playing activity, groups act out conflicting scenarios (p. 174). 

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This activity asks participants to both recall a cross-cultural exchange and to perform synthetic culture analysis (p. 173). 

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Find Favorite Words

In this activity, participants will name words with positive connotations for synthetic cultures and compare them to other choices. 

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Identity Dialogues

This chapter teaches readers about how Hofstede's six dimensions can affect dialogue and to identify some strategies for dialoguing across some of these dimensions. 

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Synthetic Cultures versus Real Cultures

This book section explains synthetic and real cultures and offers examples (p. 126). 

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This activity presents seven different workplace situations (p. 120).

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Guess the Synthetic Culture

This activity tests participants' knowledge of synthetic cultures (p. 118).

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Cross-Cultural Encounters

This is an awareness exercise that asks participants to try to understand another person's reactions (p. 116). 

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Who'd be on your spaceship?

"An Ohio school superintendent has apologized for a class exercise that asked middle school students to choose from a list of racially, ethnically and religiously diverse candidates to save or leave behind if Earth were 'doomed for destruction.'

"The assignment presented 12 potential spaceship passengers, including 'a militant African-American medical student,' 'a Hispanic clergyman who is against homosexuality,' 'an Asian, orphaned 12-year-old boy,' 'a homosexual male professional athlete,' and a '60-year-old Jewish university administrator.' The students were instructed to select eight to take to safety on another planet, ranking them from the most deserving to the least..." (Caron, 2018).

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Attribution Exercises

In this activity, participants will examine personal attributes for cultural or personal preferences (p. 83). 

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Lucky stores

"In 1988, managers at Lucky Stores, a Dublin, California-based grocery-store chain, attended diversity-training workshops, during which they identified common stereotypes for women and minorities. The trainers designed the exercise to raise awareness of potential prejudices so that managers could deal with employees more effectively. The effort backfired..." (Caudron, 1993).

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Awareness of Culture Difference Exercises

This section features ten stories designed to teach the dimensions of culture (p. 46).

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Culture Shock (Hofstede)

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Awareness Exercises: What to Feel/Do

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What Do You See?

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How to Select and Prepare a Simulation

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Hofstede Value Dimensions Online Country Comparison Tool

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Hofstede Round Robin

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Cultural Mentoring Course #6 (On-Site)

This is an in-person, 3-credit course from IES Abroad that seeks to develop students’ intercultural awareness and knowledge as  it applies to management. 

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Cultural Mentoring Course #5 (Returnees)

This on-site course from St. Mary's College is designed for returnees. Students reflect on and integrate their learning from the experience of studying abroad. They also generate data as they learn through qualitative and quantitative psychological research methods.

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Cultural Mentoring Course #4 (E-mentoring)

This one-credit online course from the University of Minnesota is designed for study abroad students to help them understand/process their intercultural experience, skill-set, and knowledge. 

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Cultural Mentoring Course #3 (On-site)

This CIEE on-site course is designed to develop its students' skills, knowledge, and understanding so they can communicate and engage more appropriately and effectively in their host city and in other intercultural contexts.

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Cultural Mentoring Course #2 (Returnees)

This in-person course at Purdue University is for study abroad returnees. Its purpose is to  help students process and understand their study abroad experiences in light of current literature on models of culture, ideas about global citizenship, intercultural communication and development. It is a one-credit course that meets once a week. 

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Cultural Mentoring Course #1 (E-mentoring)

This is a one-credit online course open to select Engineering and College of Science students at Purdue University. While abroad, students will complete supplemental readings and guided assignments which will document their study abroad learning and create a portfolio of individual skill acquisition.

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Archie Bunker's Neighborhood

This activity teaches participants to express feelings about being unfairly treated or experiencing discrimination, as well to understand privilege and stereotypes. 

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Million-Dollar Question

This exercise gives "participants an opportunity to clarify the personal values that influence the choices they make" (p. 71).

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Interviewing Siri

This activity suggests that students can "create a cultural profile of the experience of engaging Siri on questions that are important or interesting to [them]." Students create a profile of the responses emanating from the questions they ask.

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From the abstract: "Promoted as an emotional pre-requisite for cross-cultural understanding, the notion of empathy connects with tourism in a variety of ways. This article explores this connection by considering the current and potential role of empathy in tourism encounters and tourism studies. The discussion develops a critical understanding of the positioning of empathy in tourism, highlighting the importance of examining empathy’s limitations and risks. It is argued that important differences lay between an unquestioned or non-reflective empathy and a more ‘unsettled’ empathy, which is reflective and renders possible a productive sense of shame. The article concludes by considering the possibilities of and for empathy within tourism and tourism studies, and by suggesting questions to take the links between tourism and empathy forward."

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Role Playing

In this activity by Hofstede, Hofstede, and Pederson, participants will role-play conflict-prone situations and learn about synthetic cultures.

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Identity Beads

In the Identity Beads activity, participants use different colored and sized beads to represent aspects of their identity.

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Digging Deeper Diversity Questions

In this activity, participants use questions to discuss their backgrounds with a partner.

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Beach Ball Ice Breaker

In this icebreaker, the facilitator writes questions on a beach ball. Participants answer the questions based on where their thumb touches the ball when they catch it.

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A Life Without Questions or No Questions, Please!

In this unique activity, participants learn how to get to know each other without asking questions.

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Cultural Question Jar

In this activity, participants answer questions pulled from a jar to learn about their intercultural experiences and their identities. 

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Chiji Processing Dice

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6 Differences

In this activity, participants will find 6 differences between them based on more than physical appearance. 

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25 Questions

This activity asks partners to ask and answer ​​​​25 Questions to learn more about their experiences and emotions.

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Who Do You Think I Am?

This activity will teach participants about how to analyze their assumptions about culturally different others.

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The Parable

The Parable is a well-known activity that teaches participants about their cultural values. In the Downloads section of the tool, CILMAR has added two new versions of the parable—“A Modern Parable” and “A Lab Parable."

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Driver-less Dilemma: The Trolley Problem

RadioLab has a podcast about the moral puzzle, The Trolley Problem, that deals with life, death, and sacrifice. 

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Whom to Leave Behind?

This is the same quiz mentioned in the "Who'd Be on Your Spaceship" article. 

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Who'd Be on Your Spaceship: School Diversity Quiz Backfires

This article from The New York Times describes a diversity quiz icebreaker activity went wrong. The quiz was used with students who were not the intended age and were not properly prepped or debriefed. 

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Where Do You Draw the Line?

This simulation from Simulation Training Systems examines ethics, assumptions, and decision-making processes. 


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An Alien Among Us

This diversity game teaches participants to rethink concepts of diversity, respect, and group memberships.

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Double Talk

This Thiagi jolt asks participants to role play to better understand the impact of distractions and self-talk. 

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Mindsets, an activity by Janet Bennett, also analyzes passages for the IDC stages. 

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Gay-Rights Movement Ventures Beyond Urban America

Gay-Rights Movement Ventures Beyond Urban America is an activity where participants read an article about gay rights and analyze it for the IDC stages. 

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This simulation analyzes non-verbal communication, decision-making, and suspending judgment. 

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Hollow Square

Hollow Square is an activity that studies the dynamics involved in planning and accomplishing a task to be carried out by others. 

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Meteorite is an activity that teaches about dealing with and reconciling different perspectives. 

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Ice Sculpture

Ice Sculpture is an activity that has participants attempt to reconstruct a sculpture from another culture and practice communication skills. 


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Hello in Different Languages

Hello in Different Languages, an activity by J. Niell, teaches participants about different languages and exposure to language. 

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How to select and prepare a simulation

In this chapter resource, readers learn how to select and prepare a simulation.

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In this workplace scenario activity, participants will discuss their responses to work scenarios. 

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What do you see?

In this activity, participants compare their view of an image to other participants' to learn how viewpoints are mediated through culture.

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The Trade Mission

In the Trade Mission simulation, participants analyze and participate in trade negotiations.

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Synthetic Cultures versus Real Cultures

In this aptly titled activity, participants analyze synthetic versus real cultures.

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The Synthetic Culture Laboratory

This activity allows synthetic cultures to interact. 

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Role Playing

Participants in this activity role-play conflict-prone situations. 

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Identity Dialogues

Identity Dialogues is a chapter from Hofstede that teaches how the six dimensions affect dialogue.

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How to select and prepare a simulation

In this chapter resource, readers learn how to select and prepare a simulation.

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Hofstede Value Dimensions Online Country Comparison Tool

This online tool teaches users about the value dimensions and compares countries and their value dimensions. 

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Hofstede Round Robin

This activity has participants summarize what they know/have learned about Hofstede's cultural dimensions. It is a helpful review or activity to combine with others selected in this Collection. 

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Guess the Synthetic Culture

Participants in this activity match behaviors with Hofstede and Pedersen's synthetic cultures. 

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Follow-the-Sun Global Technology Team

Follow-the-Sun Global Technology Team is an activity where participants experience working in teams and discuss communication issues. 

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Flashes is an activity where participants implement the six dimensions to cross-cultural exchanges. 

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Find Favorite Words

Find Favorite Words is an activity where participants name positive words for a culture. 

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Culture Shock (Hofstede)

In this activity, participants learn about the degrees of culture shock. 

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Cross-Cultural Encounters

In Cross-Cultural Encounters, participants of this activity learn about the cultural reasons motivating people's reactions. 

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Awareness of Cultural Difference

This activity also teaches the dimensions of culture and cultural difference. 

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Awareness Exercises

Participants in this activity will imagine an interaction and their responses to another person.

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Attribution Exercises

Participants in this activity will examine their cultural and personal preferences. 

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Piglish is a language-learning exercise developed by J. M. Blohm, C. Hartley, & T. Lapinsky. It teaches the process of learning a new language.

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Thiagi's jolt, Exclusion, asks participants to describe their emotions of exclusion and inclusion in a team scenario.

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DOTS- Version 2

This activity, from the Transformer, examines how we silently convey group identification and how we feel belonging or exclusion.

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Building Utopiastan

L. Nevalainen & M. White's activity in Building cultural competence: Innovative activities and models identifies characteristics in cultural values.

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Dividing the Spoils

Dividing the Spoils, an activity by C. Storti in Figuring foreigners out, examines individualist vs. collectivist cultures. 

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Thiagi's simulation Chatter analyzes group interactions and communication.

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Rafa Rafa

RaFa RaFa is another simulation from Simulation Training Systems and is similar to BaFa Ba Fa.

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Bafa Bafa

The simulation BaFa BaFa, published by Simulation Training Systems, examines cultural stereotypes, language, and communication between different groups. 

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Alpha-Beta Partnership

This activity from Stringer & Cassiday's 52 Activities for improving cross-cultural communication also examines cultural patterns between different groups.

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T. Gochenour's cultural simulation in Beyond Experience features a Welcoming Ceremony between the members of the Albatross culture and guests.

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The Emperor's Pot, aka Eastern and Western

In this simulation, participants visit a culture that differences from their own (“East” culture vs. “West”). They become aware of some dimensions of culture (e.g. time, history, work) and their impact on behavior.

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Music and Memories

Participants in this activity will describe the cultural and emotional meaning of a song with a person of another culture. 

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Flower's POV

This reflective activity will ask participants to imagine another point of view and reflect on empathy. 

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Danger of a Single Story

Participants using this media resource will learn how narratives and stories, such as "single stories," are reflective of our stereotypes.

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Building a House for Diversity

Participants in this activity will consider an "elephant experience" and how to promote diversity in the workplace.

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