Episode 2: Embedding Intercultural Learning into SLHS Study Abroad

This episode features Dr. Lata Krishnan, PhD, CCC-A, clinical professor of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at Purdue University. Dr. Krishnan describes the development, evolution, and outcomes of two service-learning study abroad programs: SLHS in Zambia (2012-2016) and SLHS India (2017-2019). Dr. Krishnan also addresses strategies for inclusion and how to incorporate intercultural learning activities in a virtual learning environment.

This post includes links to the episode recording, the episode's PowerPoint slides, a preview of Dr. Krishnan's work, and the following resources mentioned by Dr. Krishnan:

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Episode 1: Introduction to the Spring and Summer 2020 Webinar Series

In the first episode of the Virtual ICL webinar series, CILMAR staff provide information about the speakers, themes, and resources addressed in the series.

In this post you'll find links to the recording of the episode as well as to resources mentioned by CILMAR staff:

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Virtual ICL Home Page

This page leads to the main Virtual ICL page that includes links to future and past episodes, as well as an explanation of learning outcomes. 

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How Cultures Panic. What the Coronavirus Teaches Us. — LinkedIn

This article, written by Marin Karaffa, analyzes panic buying in several different countries (namely, Australia, Germany, and Japan) using Hofstede's cultural dimensions. 

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Postcards from a nervous world: Tales from the other side of the shutdowns — The Washington Post

For this article, individuals from around the world sent in postcard essays that described their feelings and observations as cities being to reopen. Countries/regions represented in the essays include Austria, Latvia, Scotland, and Greece. 

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Steps to Leaps Lunch and Learn: Building Connections at a Distance — Traves Freeland, Purdue University

This webinar features Traves Freeland, Assistant Director of Climbing & Climbing Education in Recreation and Wellness at Purdue University. Since Purdue made the transition to online learning, Freeland has adapted team-building exercises that he would normally teach in person for virtual environments. In this webinar, he goes over some best practices for building connections online and demonstrates how he facilitates these activities.

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What Political Science Can Teach Us About How Different Countries Are Handling COVID-19 — Global Dispatches

This podcast episode features Sofia Fenner, an assistant professor of political science at Bryn Mawr College. She uses comparative politics to explain why some countries are handling the COVID-19 better than others. 

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Enduring Our Unendurable New Normal — The Interpreter, The New York Times

This article describes the differences in reactions between more stable countries—like the United States and the United Kingdom—and politically unstable, war-torn countries, like Afghanistan and Syria. Individuals living in less stable areas more often accept that their conditions are out of their control and therefore tend to live in the moment and listen to guidelines about sheltering in place because they are already used to everyday uncertainty. In contrast, people who live in more privileged areas are more likely to believe that they have control over their lives and therefore have a more difficult time to adjusting and following orders. 

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Creating value with diverse teams in global management — DiStefano & Maznevski (2000)

This article takes a nuanced look at multicultural teams and what causes them to either succeed or fail. It provides an exigence for intercultural training and demonstrates how diversity alone cannot improve professional team and company performance.

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Research: Does it Really Work? — LeaderSHIFTin

This is a collection of research that demonstrates how racial diversity is financially beneficial to companies/businesses. 

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Gender Dissimilarity, Specific Status and Individual Creativity — Subasi & van Ginkel (2017)

This study demonstrates how high status/authority within a workplace can mitigate the negative effects of gender dissimilarity on individual job performance. 

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Is there a payoff from top-team diversity? — Barta, Kleiner, & Neumann (2012)

This article presents research that shows how companies with multicultural leadership were also highly successful financially. 

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Demographic Dissimilarity, Information Access and Individual Performance — Subasi (2017)

This is a dissertation that explores how both nationality and authority/status affect individual job performance as well as someone's ability to work successfully in teams. 

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A New World Through My Window — The New Yorker

"A New World Through My Window" is a personal essay written by Olga Tokarczuk who is from Wroclaw, Poland. Tokarczuk writes about what she sees as she looks out her window during quarantine as well as her thoughts and fears about what is to become of the world after the pandemic. 

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What Social Distance Looks Like Across the World — The Atlantic Selects

The Atlantic features a short documentary called Social Distance, which shows how people from 30 different countries have been going about their day during the COVID-19 quarantine. The filmmakers, Ivan Cash and Jacob Jonas, created the documentary by editing videos that people submitted. Additionally, the score, which was written by Steve Hackman, is a compilation of musicians around the world who received Hackman's sheet music and then recorded themselves playing. 

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The Rich Really Are Different. They Can Shelter in Nicer Places — NPR Morning Edition

This segment of NPR's Morning Edition highlights the immense disparities between the rich and the working class during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as some of the tone deaf responses from the wealthy on social media.

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Communicating Across Cultures, Five Tips in the COVID19 Age — LinkedIn

This article, written by John Knipfing for LinkedIn, provides useful tips on how to avoid miscommunication during virtual conversations. 

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I'm scared to let my son wear a mask. But I'm scared for him not to... — Rage Against the Minivan (Blog)

In this blog post, "a mom of a tall black 15-year-old" describes her fear of her son wearing a mask in public (because of racial bias, profiling, and violence) in conjunction with her fear of him risking illness by not wearing one. Her conflicted thoughts/emotions represent how many Black Americans are currently feeling as the pandemic continues to disproportionately impact marginalized communities. 

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Line Exercise, The

In this activity, participants are asked to consider how their belonging to certain social groups influences their experiences and the opportunities they receive by physically placing themselves on one side of a line or another depending on their identification with particular social categories. 

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AARCC (Purdue) Teach-In Resources

The Purdue University Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center (AARCC) has compiled resources that aim to help instructors/professors address anti-Asian racism, bias, and violence that has occurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Effects on marginalized communities

The two articles linked in this post demonstrate both the COVID-19 pandemic's effect on marginalized communities and how those communities have responded. The first article from The Atlantic ("Why Don't We Know Who the Coronavirus Victims Are?) highlights the lack of statistics on communities disproportionately affected by the coronavirus. The second article from Yes Magazine ("12 Ways Communities Are Taking Care of Each Other During the Pandemic") shows how communities who face systemic oppression and are often forgotten by our institutions are sharing resources and helping each other through the crisis. 

The juxtaposition of these two articles demonstrates how culture leads us to respond in particular ways and how we shape culture through our actions. Additionally, they show how power and equity affect our actions and responses. 

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Coronavirus is Changing the Rituals of Death For Many Religions — NPR

This article discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted death and funeral rituals around the world. Many families and friends who recently lost a loved one are facing delayed burials or required social distancing at funerals. 

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Gen Z Under Lockdown: How They're Coping, From TikTok to Virtual Drinks

This article, written by Isabella Gomez Sarmiento for NPR, looks at how teens and young adults—Generation Z—are handling lockdowns that have occurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sarmiento interviewed young people from or living in South Korea, Italy, the United States, Spain, Mexico, and Chile.

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#Cinemadacasa, Culture against COVID-19 — UNESCO

This article describes the #Cinemadacasa initiative in Rome, in which images from a variety of films are projected onto buildings throughout the city every night. This initiative serves as a way to uplift citizens and pay homage to Rome's connection to the film industry. 

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How COVID-19 is Challenging Cultures — Rough Translation (podcast)

An episode of the NPR podcast Rough Translation features conversations with international correspondents about how culture is affecting responses to COVID-19. 

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World leaders' responses to COVID-19

World leaders' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic are largely dependent on national, regional, or local culture.

The BBC summarizes Queen Elizabeth II's message to the United Kingdom in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the exception of her annual Christmas Day message, the Queen rarely gives speeches, so this was considered a significant event and demonstrates the cultural influence of the monarchy in the United Kingdom. 

A video featured on The Guardian is a compilation of Italian mayors upset and yelling at constituents disobeying lockdown orders.

The National post featured a video of Sint Maarten Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs ordering citizens to buy 2-weeks worth of groceries in the event of a full lockdown and chastising anyone making excuses to disobey stay at home orders. She has been praised for her straight forward communication with citizens.

Since the pandemic was first declared, Jacinda Ardern has been hosting Facebook Live Q&As and communicating with her citizens in a calm and conversational tone. 

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Finland, 'Prepper Nation of the Nordics,' Isn't Worried About Masks — The New York Times

This article, written by Christian Anderson and Henrik Pryser Libell for The New York Times, highlights Finland's stockpile of medical supplies, which they have been building since the 1950s. Anderson and Libell say that the stockpile is a holdover from the Cold War era and also demonstrates a unique cultural value within the country. 

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From Mexico's newest superhero to Iran's most elegant hand-washer: Watch how countries are promoting coronavirus safety — The Washington Post

This visual story, composed by Mary Beth Sheridan for The Washington Post, demonstrates how countries across the world are promoting safety through PSAs about the coronavirus. The PSAs are tailored to cultural norms and traditions. Countries featured within the article include Mexico, Vietnam, Thailand, Egypt, Iran, Senegal, Uganda, and Guatemala.

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COIL (Collaborative Online Intercultural Learning) Collection

Faculty interested in or engaged in COIL can find resources here relevant to the development and assessment of intercultural competence in virtual international education.

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On-Line Intercultural Learning Curriculum Resources Collection

This collection gathers together a variety of on-line instructional resources, most of them pre-existing courses, that support continued development of intercultural competence in a time of pandemic and study abroad cancellations. All resources have been "backwards-designed", e.g. they begin with specific learner outcome goals, most derived from the AAC&U intercultural knowledge and competence rubric, to advance through targeted intercultural exercises and reflective practice to guide the learner  towards intercultural and/or diversity-inclusion competence.

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What It Means to be a Global Citizen

This video (which you can find in both the Links and Source section of this tool) explains the meaning of the terms: global citizenship, cosmopolitan and difference. It also discusses how difference matters in today's society and in their own lives. 

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What Is White Privilege, Really?

This article (which you can find in both the Links and Source section of this tool) defines white privilege and lists ways that people with white privilege can move beyond guilt or defensiveness and even use it in ways that benefit all people.

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The VARK Learning Style Inventory

This assessment measures four modalities of one's preferred learning style: visual learner, read/writer learner, auditory learner, kinesthetic learner.

The assessment is available for participants to take online (see the Links and Source section of this tool). 

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Universalist or Particularist?

This quiz helps participants understand and assess the concepts of universalism and particularism. It is available in the University of the Pacific's What's Up with Culture module 1.4.3 (see the Links and Source section of this tool). 

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Universal-Cultural-Personal Quiz

This quiz helps participants understand the differences between personal, cultural, and universal behaviors and also learn how to identify them.

The original quiz is in Storti's Figuring Foreigners Out: A Practical Guide, but a similar activity is available in University of the Pacific's What's Up with Culture online modules (see the Links section of this tool).

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Tribalism and Empathy

In this activity, participants discuss how current events and social media have contributed to tribalism and a decline in empathy. They also describe their own experiences with selective empathy and their participation in "tribes."

Facilitators/instructors can adapt this activity to an online learning environment by asking participants to write an essay based on the discussion questions on the instruction sheet in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants could also engage in discussion through an online discussion board or through a video chat platform such as Zoom or Google Hangouts.

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Toronto Empathy Questionnaire

This assessment measures participants' empathetic abilities. It is available in English, Korean, and Turkish.

An online version of the assessment is available in the Links section of this tool. 

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Three Minute Breathing

This activity helps participants to relax and focus on the process of breathing and the present moment.

The audio file is available in the Links section of this tool, so participants can complete this activity individually on their own time.

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The Five Minute Poem

In this activity, participants write a short poem that describes where they're from.

Participants can complete their poems on their own time and share with them others through an online discussion board.

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SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis method used in this activity helps participants to critically analyze and revise intercultural and linguistic goals, practice deeper reflection on weaknesses and challenges in order to make informed revisions to those goals, critically consider the influence of their context and assumptions on goal setting, and prioritize evidence and perspectives to draw logical conclusions in the revision of past goals. It is designed for students who are studying abroad but could be adapted to other contexts.

This activity is already designed for an online learning environment, and all of the materials associated with it are available in the Downloads section of this tool.

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Storytelling Podcast

This episode of Storytalking with Lakshya helps participants to recognize that stories are vehicles that can be used for both good and evil as well as discuss how religion, culture, and history can be understood as stories. 

A link to this podcast is in both the Links and Source sections of this tool. Participants can listen to the podcast individually on their own time, and facilitators/instructors may choose to add a reflective component where participants record their thoughts in an online discussion board or blog. 

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Spectrum Activity, The, Questions of Identity

This activity helps participants consider how various aspects of their identity affect them in different social situations (e.g., how certain identities may be privileged in certain spaces but marginalized in others). 

All of the materials required for this activity are available through the LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative at University of Michigan (see the Links section in this tool). Participants can complete this activity individually on their own time and then post it to an online discussion board so that they can compare their experiences to their peers, or they can send the worksheet to the facilitator/instructor once it is completed. 

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Social Identity Wheel

This worksheet helps participants to describe and reflect on their identities in terms of social categories like race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. 

All of the materials required for this activity are available through the LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative at University of Michigan (see the Links section in this tool). Participants can complete this activity individually on their own time and then post it to an online discussion board so that they can get to know their peers, or they can send the worksheet to the facilitator/instructor once it is completed. 

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Social Connectedness Scale, The

This assessment measures participants' sense of social connectedness. It is available in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants can complete the assessment individually and then send the results to the facilitator/instructor.

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SMART Goals Worksheet

This activity helps participants contemplate and explain their culture-learning goals for their time during their semester abroad. It also enables them to develop logical and consistent plans to attain goals, as well as identify multiple approaches for attaining goals. It is designed for students who are studying abroad, but it can be adapted for other contexts.

This activity is already designed for an online learning environment, and all of the materials associated with it are available in the Downloads section of this tool.

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Short-Form UCLA Loneliness Scale

This assessment measures participants' sense of loneliness. It is available in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants can complete the assessment individually and then send the results to the facilitator/instructor.

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Sense of Belongingness Scale

This assessment measures participants' sense of belongingness. It is available in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants can complete the assessment individually and then send the results to the facilitator/instructor.

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Self-Care Wheel and Worksheet

This assessment measures mindful self-empathy and emotional resilience in the stressed individual and self-awareness of cultural discomfort in a new context. 

Both the self-care wheel and the accompanying worksheet are available in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants can complete this activity individually and then send it to the facilitator/instructor.

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Self-Awareness and Core Cultural Values

This activity allows participants to evaluate their self-awareness of their cultural identity and their core cultural values. It is designed for students who are studying abroad but could be adapted to different contexts.

All materials associated with this activity are available in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants can complete this activity individually on their own time and then send it to the facilitator/instructor.

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Revised Sociocultural Adaptation Scale (SCAS-R)

This assessment measures interpersonal communication. academic and work performance, community involvement, ecological adaptation, and language proficiency. Additionally, instructors or learners who use the instrument will become more aware of their ability to adapt to a new culture, and possibly also more attuned to the emotional cost of doing so.

The assessment is available in the Links section of this tool. Participants can complete this survey on their own time and send their results to the facilitator/instructor. 

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Practicing Mindfulness

This activity helps participants to increase their self-awareness as well as their awareness of others and learn how to slow down before reacting.

The instructions for this activity are in the Downloads section. The instructions are written for a group, but individuals could do this exercise on their own. 

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Personal Identity Wheel

This worksheet helps participants to describe and reflect on their identities in terms of their skills, favorite books/movies, hobbies, etc. 

All of the materials required for this activity are available through the LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative at University of Michigan (see the Links section in this tool). Participants can complete this activity individually on their own time and then post it to an online discussion board so that they can get to know their peers, or they can send the worksheet to the facilitator/instructor once it is completed. 

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Pendulum Intercultural Development Continuum Worksheet

This worksheet allows participants to apply the metaphor of a pendulum to their own experiences for a more robust and realistic understanding of their own intercultural competence, reflect on the outside forces/events/environmental factors that impede their development of intercultural competence by pulling them towards a focus on similarity and difference, and identify strategies and behaviors they can employ to stay balanced and maintain their intercultural competence.

The worksheet is available in the Links section of this tool. The link leads to a publication in the HubICL research repository where it can be downloaded. Then, participants can complete the worksheet individually on their own time and send it to facilitators/instructors.

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Openness to Diversity and Challenge Scale

This assessment measures the degree to which a participant is comfortable with being challenged by difference. 

The assessment is available in the Downloads section of this tool. Participants can complete it individually on their own time and then send the results to the facilitator/instructor.

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My Plan for Intercultural Growth

In this activity, participants list activities that will help them personally develop in one domain of intercultural knowledge and competence from the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric. They also identify evidence that signals they have personally developed in that domain.  

All the materials required for this activity are available online (see both the Links and Downloads sections of this tool), and participants can complete the activity individually on their own time. 

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My Emotional Hot Buttons

This activity enables participants to examine what kind behaviors bother or challenge them, learn about their emotional "hot buttons," and plan for ways to manage their reactions to "hot buttons" behaviors. 

Michael Vande Berg created a version of this activity that is available online (see the Links section of this tool). Participants can complete this activity individually on their own time and then send it to facilitators/instructors. 

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Motivation for Language Learning Quiz

This assessment measures emotions as possible barriers to effective learning, as well as emotional baggage that is brought to learning situations. 

This assessment is available online (see both the Links and Downloads sections in this tool). Participants can take the quiz on their own time and send results to the facilitator/instructor.

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Monochronic-Polychronic Quiz

This quiz helps participants to understand the differences between monochronic and polychronic time, as well as identify which cultural behaviors align with this cultural value dimension.

The original quiz is in Storti's Figuring Foreigners Out: A Practical Guide, but a similar activity is available in University of the Pacific's What's Up with Culture online modules (see the Links section of this tool).

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Mindful Breathing Meditation

This activity helps participants to relax and focus on the process of breathing and the present moment.

The audio file is available in the Links section of this tool, so participants can complete this activity individually on their own time.

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Migration: An Empathy Exercise

This reflective activity helps participants to understand the experiences of individuals who have been displaced from their homes.

All of the materials needed for this activity are available in the Links section of this tool, and a majority of the activity can be completed by participants individually on their own time. 

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Mapping Social Identity Timeline Activity

This activity helps participants understand how their identities have developed over time as a result of their cultural environment.

The materials required for this activity are all available in the Links section of this download. The individual portion of the activity can be completed by participants on their own time, and the group portion could be completed over an online discussion board or video chat. 

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Mapping My Cultural Values

This inventory (available in the Links section of this tool) helps participants to reflect on their cultural values and understand differences in values within and across cultures.

For online learning environments, facilitators/instructors can ask participants to complete the inventory on their own time and then send their results electronically.

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Lost in Translation

This activity is meant to help participants keep a record and reflect on their language learning while they are studying abroad, but it could be adapted to other contexts.

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Living in a Bubble

This activity challenges participants to begin developing deeper relationships with those who are different from them. They will read The Atlantic article, “These are the Americans who live in a bubble” (in the Links section of this tool) and use it to reflect on their own personal bubbles and how they might further develop relationships across difference.

Participants can fill out the handout included in the Downloads section of this tool on their own time. Then, instructors can choose to have participants answer reflection questions in an essay, or discuss them through an online discussion board or video chat. 

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Linking Values with Culture Quiz

This assessment measures how participants' values are expressed through behavior. 

This exercise can be completed through the University of the Pacific's What's Up With Culture? modules. This particular activity is module 1.2.2.

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Kahoot Questions

This activity helps participants to identify the Intercultural Development Continuum stages and analyze the benefits/risks of each stage. 

Kahoot is an online platform with distance learning tools. Facilitators/instructors can create quiz questions through Kahoot, and participants can answer from their own computers or smartphones. 

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Journaling Across Cultures

In this activity, participants are asked to keep a journal where they analyze and reflect on cultural experiences. 

Facilitators/instructors can adapt this activity for online learning by asking participants to journal through blogs. 


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Interpersonal Reactivity Index

This assessment measures four facets of empathy: perspective-taking, empathic concern, personal distress, and fantasy (ability to imagine oneself in another's situation).

The index is available online (see the Links section in this tool), and participants can take it on their own time and send results to the facilitator/instructor.

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Intercultural Competency MOOC

This massive open online course (MOOC) helps participants to improve their intercultural competency to succeed in a diverse workplace.

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Intercultural Autobiography

This activity is designed for students who are studying abroad but could be adapted to other contexts. 

This activity enables participants to introduce themselves to other classmates/group members as well as consider cultural factors that led to their study abroad experience, or another type of experience.

Participants can complete this autobiography on their own time and then share it with their classmates/group members through an online discussion board.

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Intercultural ASKS-2

This assessment measures foundational components of intercultural competence: cultural self-awareness, knowledge of worldview frameworks, empathy, openness, communication, and curiosity.

There is an electronic version of this assessment (see the Links section of this tool). 

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Individualist-Collectivist Quiz

This activity helps participants to understand the differences between individualist and collectivist cultures and identify which cultural behaviors align with this cultural value dimension.

The original quiz is in Storti's Figuring Foreigner's Out: A Practical Guide, but there is a similar activity in University of the Pacific's What's Up with Culture online modules (see the Links section of this tool).

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iLEAD Pre-Loneliness/Belongingness Survey

This assessment measures participants' general sense of belongingness and loneliness.

This assessment can be completed by participants in their own time (see the Downloads section in this tool) and then sent to facilitators/instructors.

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I Am Poems

This activity asks participants to write a poem that reflects on themselves as cultural beings, connect with others across identity borders, as well as compare and contrast the cultural influences in their lives with other participants.

Participants can complete their poems on their own time and share with them others through an online discussion board.

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I am From Poems

This activity asks participants to write a poem that reflects on specific details and feelings about life and memories as well as build new connections with their own cultural heritage.

Participants can complete their poems on their own time and share with them others through an online discussion board.

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Hofstede Value Dimensions Online Country Comparison Tool

This online tool will help participants gain a better understanding of Hofstede's cultural value dimensions (e.g., individualism/collectivism, power distance, etc.), learn some trends in values across different national cultural contexts, and compare/contrast different national cultures with their home country culture with regard to these value dimensions.

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Guided writing exercises

This activity allows participants to interpret details from daily experience and discriminate between various sets of cultural expectations.

This tool includes 17 guided writing exercises that can be used during study abroad or other types of intercultural experiences. Participants can complete these writing exercises on their own time and send them to facilitators/instructors once they are completed.

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Growth Mindset Activity for STEM

The goal of this activity is to instill a growth mindset in STEM students and help them to mitigate problems such as stereotype threat. 

There are two different writing assignments included in the activity instructions (see the Links section in this tool), as well as two short videos for participants to watch before completing the assignments. The facilitator can choose which one they prefer, and students can complete the assignments on their own time and then turn them online. There is also a version of this activity for middle school students in Links. 

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Global Mindedness Scale (GMS)

This assessment measures five facets of global-mindedness (responsibility, cultural pluralism, efficacy, global-centrism, interconnectedness). Instructors or learners who access the instrument will be better able to differentiate between the commonly confused concepts of "Intercultural Competence" and "Global Citizenship.

To adapt this assessment for an online learning environment, facilitators/teachers can transcribe the questions from the dissertation in the Source section of this tool into a document and send that document to students. Alternatively, if they are using an online learning management system (such as Blackboard or Brightspace) that allows instructors to create assessments and quizzes, they can ask participants to answer questions using that platform. 

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Global Learning Summaries

In this activity, participants choose a global issue to analyze. This activity is designed specifically for study abroad students so they can learn more about their host country, but it can be adapted to use in other contexts.

Since the majority of the activity is a writing assignment, it can be completed by participants on their own time and turned in online.

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Global Learning Short Scale

This assessment measures foundational components of intercultural competence: global self-awareness, perspective-taking, cultural diversity, personal and social responsibility, understanding global systems, and applying knowledge to contemporary global contexts.  

The assessment is available in the Links section of this tool. Participants can complete it on their own time and then send the results to the facilitator/instructor.

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Global Health Matters

This activity addresses global health issues and helps participants to better understand how health policy and advocacy affect healthcare outcomes across the world.

This activity requires participants to write an issue brief, field journal, and policy brief, which can be completed on their own time and turned in electronically. There is also a discussion portion, which can be done through an online discussion board or video chat. The presentation portion can either be removed, or instructors can ask students to record themselves presenting on their health issue and policy recommendations. 

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Global Engineering Competency Scale

This assessment measures self-efficacy, technical coordination, knowledge of professional ethics and standards, and knowledge of engineering cultures. Individuals who use this assessment will become more aware of the elements of engineering competency in a globalized world.

To adapt this assessment for an online learning environment, facilitators/teachers can transcribe the questions from the article in the Source section of this tool into a document and sent that document to students. Alternatively, if they are using an online learning management system (such as Blackboard or Brightspace) that allows instructors to create assessments and quizzes, they can ask participants to answer questions using that platform. 

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Global Engagement Measurement Scale (GEMS)

This assessment measures seven aspects of global engagement: pluralism, interconnectedness, global mindedness, ambiguity tolerance (flexibility), ambiguity tolerance (new situation preference), diversity openness, host site knowledge.

To adapt this assessment for an online learning environment, facilitators/teachers can transcribe the questions from the article in the Links section of this tool into a document and sent that document to students. Alternatively, if they are using an online learning management system (such as Blackboard or Brightspace) that allows instructors to create assessments and quizzes, they can ask participants to answer questions using that platform. 

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Global Citizenship Inventory (for adolescents)

This assessment measures behaviors and attitudes that are supportive of environmental or social sustainability (recycling, consumer behavior, energy, efficiency, etc.), shared responsibility, orientation towards equality of human beings, and mutual dependency values. Individuals who take or use the instrument will develop a better understanding of the connection between sustainability values and individual behaviors.

To adapt this assessment for an online learning environment, facilitators/teachers can transcribe the questions from the article in the Links section of this tool into a document and sent that document to students. Alternatively, if they are using an online learning management system (such as Blackboard or Brightspace) that allows instructors to create assessments and quizzes, they can ask participants to answer questions using that platform. 

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General Belongingness Scale

This assessment measures participants' general sense of belongingness.

This assessment can be completed by participants in their own time (see the Downloads section in this tool) and then sent to facilitators/instructors.


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GCC: Stereotypes & Cultural Generalizations

This activity from AFS International Programs enables participants to increase their cultural self-awareness by reflecting on their own personal and cultural experience with stereotyping. It is also a part of the Global Competence Certificate. 

All resources associated with this activity can be downloaded from the AFS site, and participants can complete some portions individually on their own time. For the discussion portions, the facilitator/instructor could create an online discussion board for students to share their thoughts with each other. Another alternative is to have a discussion through video chat.

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For Whom the Cowbell Tolls

This activity challenges participants to consider the idea of "belonging" and what that means to them and others. They will listen to an episode of the Radiolab podcast, “For Whom the Cowbell Tolls,” and discuss/reflect on the concepts of naturalization, individualism, collectivism, assimilation, and xenophobia.

Participants can listen to the podcast individually on their own time (see the Links section in this tool). To adapt this activity to an online learning environment, the facilitator/instructor can ask participants to either write an essay based on the discussion questions in the instructions document (see the Downloads section of this tool), or they can discuss the questions in an online discussion board. 

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Food Attitudes Behavior Openness Scale (FABOS)

This assessment measures participants' willingness to enjoy new foods as an important marker of openness and willingness to engage in friendship activities.

This assessment can be completed by participants in their own time (see the Downloads section of this tool) and then sent to facilitators/instructors.

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Five Minute Breathing

This activity helps participants to relax and focus on the process of breathing and the present moment.

The audio file is available in the Links section of this tool, so participants can complete this activity individually on their own time.

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Empathy Not Sympathy

The video in this tool (see the Links section) explains the difference between empathy and sympathy. Facilitators/instructors can assign this video as a "reading assignment" in an online learning environment. 

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Emotional Resilience Worksheet

This activity helps participants to develop a better understanding of their stressors and how to deal with stress. It is designed for a study abroad program but can be adapted to other contexts. It can also be completed by participants on their own time and then sent to a facilitator/instructor. 

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Effective Listening Inventory

This assessment measures four modes of receiving verbal information: receptive listening, consensus-based listening, exploratory listening, and action listening.

The inventory can be completed by participants on their own time and then sent to the faciliator/instructor.

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Diversity and Inclusion MOOC

This massive open online course (MOOC) helps participants to develop their attitudes, skills and knowledge of cultural diversity to create more inclusive environments.

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Different Perspectives: Bias and Assumptions During Interviews

This activity asks participants to analyze bias and assumptions during an interview by taking the perspective of both interviewer and interviewee in a set of videos created by the Purdue Envision Center (see the Links section in this tool).

Both videos are available through YouTube, so participants can watch them on their own time. To adapt this activity to an online learning environment, facilitators/instructors may choose to ask students to write an essay based on the discussion questions on the handout in the Downloads section of this tool. Alternatively, participants can discuss the questions through an online discussion board. 

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Danger of a Single Story

This media resource can help participants to understand the ways in which narratives and stories can create stereotypes about people and places. During the activity associated with the resources, participants will analyze “single stories” participants may have about specific people or cultures and demonstrate how “single stories” influence bias and stereotypes in order to complicate and grow out of these viewpoints.

The resource is available on both YouTube and the TED Talk website (see the Links section in the tool). In the Downloads section of the tool, there is a PDF with a list of discussion questions. To adapt this activity for an online learning environment, facilitators/instructors may ask participants to watch the video on their own time and then craft an essay based on those discussion questions, or create a discussion forum where participants can discuss the questions.

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Curiosity Profile Quiz (on-line)

This quiz, which is available online through the Harvard Business Review, measures how participants compare to others in terms of three types of curiosity.

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Curiosity and Exploration Inventory (CEI-II)

This assessment measures two dimensions of curiosity: appetite for novelty, and "absorbtion," e.g. the desire to want to "dig deeper" and learn more about a topic, person, activity, etc.

The inventory is available online (see the Links section in the tool). Participants can complete the inventory on their own time and then send it to facilitators/instructors. 

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Culture Matters: The Peace Corps Cross-Cultural Workbook

This workbook helps participants to identify and appreciate cultural differences and reflect on their thoughts and feelings during cross-cultural experiences.

The entire workbook is available online (see the Links section in the tool) and many of the activities can be completed individually. 

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Culture Learning Strategies Inventory

This assessment measures participants' strategies for learning about another culture. The assessment can be completed by participants on their own time and then sent to facilitators/instructors. Facilitators/instructors could also set up a virtual discussion surrounding the assessment. 

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