
Ethnography and Intercultural Learning

This collection provides intercultural learning activities and scholarly articles related to ethnographies. 

16 posts

Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton

Learner Development in Semester Abroad in Intercultural Learning

If you want to learn about an effective way to embed intercultural learning into Study Abroad courses this Collection is for you. This Collection was created for the Workshop in Intercultural Skills Enhancement (WISE) 2024 conference and includes the presentation delivered at the conference as well as links to activities (Scenery, Machinery, and People), assessments (SIMBA) and rubrics (AAC&U). The presentation offers an overview of the Semester Abroad in Intercultural Learning Scholarship program as well as the Growing, Learning, and Understanding, Everyone (GLUE) Curriculum used to teach the course. 

5 posts

Profile picture of Alankrita Chhikara

Alankrita Chhikara

Teaching Intercultural Curiosity that Builds Bridges instead of Barricades

This is a Collection created for participants of the 2024 WISE conference, particularly those who attended the session on Teaching Intercultural Curiosity that Builds Bridges instead of Barricades; however, anyone interested in contemplating the topic of intercultural curiosity might find the contents of this Collection helpful.

4 posts

Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson

Dynamic Exercises to Shift Debriefing Time from Mundane to Transformative, Pre-conference workshop, WISE Conference, February 8, 2024, 10am – 3pm

This pre-conference workshop was delivered by Annette Benson, Alankrita Chhikara and Kelsey Patton, CILMAR/Purdue University.

Are you looking for ways to re-energize your debriefs? Join us to discover how to make debriefing experiential, transformative and effective — whether face-to-face or virtual — and facilitate a more inclusive conversation with the entire group rather than a few dominant voices. This workshop offers a variety of techniques for adding new energy to debriefing in different contexts and with different audiences. Appropriate for all levels of facilitation experience.

4 posts

Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton

Pre/Post Survey Instruments that align (reasonably well) to the AAC&U Intercultural Rubric

In this collection, we have gathered notes on and links to eight validated surveys, curated here in the HubICL, that align to one or more of the aspects of intercultural competence as defined in the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence rubric.  Of these eight instruments, five are free or offer a valid and reliable free version; while two offer an immediate free feedback report to the learner.  These are our current "go-to" surveys when attempting to support a study abroad instructor through the use of the worksheet for intentional intercultural planning.

8 posts

Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve

Group B: Rubrics and Qualitative Tools that pair well with the AAC&U Intercultural Competence Rubric

This collection gathers together links and provides notes about four items that will help you make sense of qualitative data and behavioral data, designated as Group B on the worksheet for intentional intercultural learning, above.  It also contains links to an earlier HubICL collection which suggests readings that will improve your ability to advocate for the use of qualitative data analysis and to do it better.

6 posts

Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve

Formative Tools aligned to the AAC&U Intercultural Rubric

This collection gather together and annotates links to all of the formative tools listed as "Group A" on the intercultural action plan worksheet.

14 posts

Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve

Toolkit for Intentional ICL Planning

This toolkit contains an action planning worksheet, which will assist the instructor or program designer in thinking about what the student(s) will be able to do better as a result of participating in a study abroad program or other intercultural learning opportunity, using the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Rubric as its definitional framework. In addition, it contains brief descriptions of and direct links to a set of recommended assessment instruments for each facet of intercultural competence.

5 posts

Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve

Visual Learning and Nontext-based Intercultural Learning Activity Tools

This collection came about after an important conversation at the AAC&U VECOIL Institute Monthly Meet up in October 2023. Questions were raised with regard to intercultural learning tools that offer visual options only and that are not dependent on reading text for learning outcomes. This collection includes tools from the toolbox that fall under this category with the tags "visual learning" and "nontext-based." 

14 posts

Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson

Question Activities

This collection includes question activities and resources to spark dialogue, and support relationship-building (i.e., mentoring, communicating across difference, etc.) and team-building.

12 posts

Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson

Forum 2021: Special Issue on Assessment as Pedagogy in Education Abroad + Author Interviews

This collection includes articles from the 2021 Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad's Special Issue on Assessment as Pedagogy in Education Abroad, in addition to brief interviews with several of the authors. 

12 posts

Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton


0 posts

Profile picture of Deborah Pembleton

Deborah Pembleton