
"Participants in this jolt pretend they are attending a party and must follow the instructions on a secret Etiquette Card provided by the facilitator. Some of the behaviors the participants are instructed to do are unusual, contradictory, and confusing. A debriefing discussion that follows the “party” focuses on dealing with differences in cultural norms" (Thiagarajan & van den Berg, 2017).

Thiagarajan, S., & van den Berg, S. (2017). Mingle. In Jolts! Brief activities to explore diversity and inclusion (pp. 72-75)Bloomington, IN: Workshops by Thiagi. 

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My Emotional Hot Buttons

In this activity, participants explore which behaviors are areas of annoyance or frustration for them and discuss in groups their reasoning as well as what each behavior conveys to them.

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How Rude Was That?

In this activity, participants explore "rudeness" as a concept by assessing a list of behaviors and reflecting on their assessments with one another.

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Compliment Response

This assignment focuses on techniques for discovering and acquiring pragmatics, which goes above and beyond learning the vocabulary and grammar of a language to how people use language and nonverbal signals to communicate. Participants will both observe and collect data through "token elicitation."

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Finding Your Feet

For this activity, participants will read a summary Philipsen’s 2010 article "Some Thoughts on How to Approach Finding One's Feet in Unfamiliar Cultural Terrain" and discuss their own experiences in “finding their feet” in unfamiliar cultural contexts. Finally, participants will explore ways in which they can apply the principles of “finding their feet” and offer their own suggestions about how to gain a better understanding of communication in specific contexts.

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Emic Perspective

This activity presents the concepts of etic (outsider/objective) and emic (insider/subjective) understandings of culture, offers motivation for developing emic perspectives by discussing the value of this viewpoint, introduces strategies for learning to see a culture from the insider viewpoint, and uses concrete (published) case study examples as fodder for practice and discussion.

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"This [Thiagi] jolt deals with the concept of exclusion (and inclusion) in groups. A few participants are sent outside the room while teams of other participants are taught a secret ritual. These teams hold discussions while the outsiders (labeled as anthropologists) attempt to join the conversations" (Thiagarajan & van den Berg, p. 101, 2017). 

Thiagarajan, S., & van den Berg, S. (2017). Ritual. In Jolts! Brief activities to explore diversity and inclusion (pp. 100-102)Bloomington, IN: Workshops by Thiagi. 

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This activity challenges participants to be open to unfamiliar experiences and reflect on how they might react to cultural difference. They will participate in a scene acted out by a simulated culture, the Albatrossians, and then discuss their feelings and reactions after the performance. The activity was originally published in Beyond Experience by Theodore Gochenour, but it can also be found online. 

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Involving Communities in Deciding What Benefits They Receive in Multinational Research

This article presents evidence for the importance of community engaged research toward protecting and respecting host communities as well as fostering transparency and increasing likelihood of the community supporting the research being done.

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“I spent the first year drinking tea”: Exploring Canadian university researchers’ perspectives on community-based participatory research involving Indigenous peoples

This article reveals important findings based on interviews with Canadian university-based geographers and social scientists who utilize Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) to understand the link between researchers' beliefs about CBPR and how they carry out research. 

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The Ethics of Research Involving Indigenous Peoples

"The Indigenous Peoplesí Health Research Centre, a joint initiative of the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Regina and the First Nations University of Canada, has the pleasure to share its report, The Ethics of Research Involving Aboriginal Peoples. The report overviews key issues in the literature since the mid-90s. It has emerged from a collaborative partnership between the IPHRC and the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE), with support from a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (the Agencies)" (Ermine et al., p. 2, 2004). 

Ermine, W., Sinclair, R., & Jeffery, B. (2004). The ethics of research involving Indigenous peoples. Saskatoon, SK: Indigenous Peoples' Health Research Centre.

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Doubly Engaged Ethnography: Opportunities and Challenges When Working With Vulnerable Communities

"Understanding the unique challenges facing vulnerable communities necessitates a scholarly approach that is profoundly embedded in the ethnographic tradition. Undertaking ethnographies of communities and populations facing huge degrees of inequality and abject poverty asks of the researcher to be able to think hard about issues of positionality (what are our multiple subjectivities as insider/outsider, knowledge holder/learner, and so on when interacting with vulnerable subjects, and how does this influence the research?), issues of engagement versus exploitation (how can we meaningfully incentivize participation in our studies without being coercive/extractive, and can we expect vulnerable subjects to become deeply in research design/data collection, and so on when they are so overburdened already?), and representation (what are the ethics of representing violence, racism, and sexism as expressed by vulnerable respondents? What about the pictures we take and the stories we tell?). Through the discussion of our research on the behavioral patterns, socialization strategies, and garbage processing methods of informal waste pickers in Argentina and Mexico, we ask ourselves, and through this exercise, seek to shed light on the broader questions of how can we engage in ethnographies of vulnerable communities while maintaining a sense of objectivity and protecting our informants? Rather than attempting to provide a definite answer, we provide a starting point for scholars of resource governance interested in using ethnographic methods for their research...and engage in a self-reflective discussion of what can be learned from our struggle to provide meaningful, engaged scholarship while retaining and ensuring respect and care for the communities we study" (Pacheco-Vega & Parizeau, p. 1, 2018). 

Pacheco-Vega, R., & Parizeau, K. (2018). Doubly engaged ethnography: Opportunities and challenges when working with vulnerable communities. International Journal of Qualitative Methods17(1), 1609406918790653.

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Body Ritual Among the Nacirema

This activity provides links and an overview of activities that can be used in conjunction with the satirical anthropology paper, “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema.” The paper was written by Horce Miner in 1956, and it is meant to call attention to how anthropologists often “other” different cultures through their ethnographic research. Nacirema is American backwards, and the piece is written about Americans in the 1950s. However, Miner writes the piece in a way that is meant to distance readers (who are most likely American) from their own culture in order to view it as an observer.

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Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight

This activity challenges participants to recognize the importance of understanding cultural behaviors from an insider’s perspective. They will read the essay “Deep Play: Notes on a Balinese Cockfight” and then discuss it in terms of the methods Geertz used to write the essay, how it portrays the Balinese society, and the differences between insider and outsider interpretations in anthropological writing. 

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Martian Anthropology

In this activity, participants practice observation in a new situation and discuss cultural values based on behavioral observation, gaining a variety of perspectives on what is considered "normal" cross-culturally.

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Grocery Store Ethnography

This activity challenges participants to practice ethnographic research skills in order to discover relationships between cultural behaviors and values and the physical spaces that people occupy in their daily routines. In this activity, participants visit a grocery store and note things like the products available, how the store is arranged, how people are behaving, etc. Then, they attempt to interpret their findings using a cultural lens. Note: Janet Bennett recommends this for students in the Denial stage on the intercultural development continuum (IDC).

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Martians at the Airport

This creativity-training activity was designed for a Spring Break study abroad program at Purdue University titled Amsterdam: Creative Thinking & Innovation in Collaborative Leadership. Specifically, it was designed to help travelling students use their airport "down time" productively. It is adapted from the well-known activity Martian Anthropology, which was created by Donald Batchelder. For this activity, participants are placed on teams and asked to observe what is happening in an airport through the lens of a “Martian”—meaning that they will not understand the purpose of the airport, just that it is an important location where many humans gather. They will use ethnographic field research techniques to investigate a hypothesis and answer questions provided to them. Then, during the next meeting time, they will prepare a three-minute report that synthesizes their research and either supports or negates that hypothesis. Note: This activity could be adapted to take place in a variety of settings, such as a student union, an office building, a restaurant, etc.

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The Ethnographic Interview

This activity challenges participants to learn and practice ethnographic interviewing skills. In small groups, they will practice interviewing each other using ethnographic techniques and then set up an interview with someone from their host country.

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YouTube Ethnography Project

This activity challenges participants to explore culture through ethnographic fieldwork and video storytelling. Following extensive preparation and research, they will create a video that presents one aspect of a particular culture.

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Story Stitch

"Green Card Voices is a Minneapolis based, nationally growing non profit that connects immigrants and their communities through multimedia storytelling."

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Crossing Borders Education Documentaries

Crossing Borders Education's "documentary trilogy brings diversity in our world directly to your doorstep. The films are designed to initiate, prepare and support intergroup dialogues, practice communication skills and deepen intercultural understanding."

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The Story of Me, Us, and Now

This activity challenges participants to better comprehend the concept of empathy by embracing their own story, sharing it, and processing it with someone different than them. To effectively empathize with someone, it helps to first form a personal connection. In this activity, participants will pair up with someone who is culturally different from them. Then, they will share their personal experiences with each other and determine how their stories intersect.

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Counter-storytelling, a method often used in critical race theory, highlights the stories of individuals who are marginalized within society. It aims to push back against dominant narratives that often privilege certain voices over others. This activity introduces the concept of counter-storytelling through the points of view of Asian/ Asian American individuals who have experienced racialized microaggressions. Participants will first read excerpts from Yeo et al. (2019) and watch three videos that depict Asian/Asian American perspectives on the microaggressions they endure because of their race. Then, they will discuss these videos as examples of counter-stories and identify what they can learn from these perspectives.

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Collaborative Storytelling: Meeting Indigenous Peoples' Desires for Self-Determination in Research

"One means of addressing indigenous peoples' desire for self-determination in educational research is to develop collaborative storytelling as a research approach. Such an approach, when conducted within indigenous ways of knowing, facilitates ongoing collaborative analysis and construction of meaning about participants' lived experiences" (Bishop, p. 1, 1999).

Bishop, R. (1999). Collaborative storytelling: Meeting Indigenous Peoples' desires for self-determination in research. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED467396

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Manual for developing intercultural competencies: Story Circles

This book by Darla K. Deardorff introduces the use of Story Circles to develop intercultural competence.

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{THE AND} On Racism Edition

From The Skin Deep: "Are you ready to start having meaningful conversations about social justice? {THE AND} On Racism Edition is the perfect tool for those who want to delve deeper into critical issues surrounding racial equity, prejudice, and privilege. Collaboratively created by activist and author Sonya Renee Taylor of The Body is Not An Apology and leadership facilitator Didier Sylvain, this edition features 199 thought-provoking prompts that will help you initiate honest and open dialogue. Through using this powerful starting point, you can learn from yourself and the relationships around you to make a difference. Don't wait any longer to take action towards social justice and self growth--start your journey with {THE AND} On Racism Edition today."

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Building Resilience through the Development of Intercultural Competencies: Story Circles

"Story Circles is a structured yet flexible methodology for developing intercultural competencies in a variety of contexts, both formal and informal..."

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Beyond Traditional Conceptualizations of Rhetoric: Invitational Rhetoric and a Move Toward Civility

"Although not the first, the theory of invitational rhetoric offers a significant challenge to a strict definition of rhetoric as persuasion. Invitational rhetoric's link to feminism, paring of persuasion with violence, and the polysemic nature of theory, generated both interest and critique. This essay explores six common critiques of invitational rhetoric and illustrates the ways that invitational rhetoric is at work in the world in both historical and contemporary public deliberations. The essay concludes by articulating a link between invitational rhetoric and civility, suggesting that invitational rhetoric and civility are a means to create ethical exchanges in difficult situations" (Bone et al., p. 1, 2008). 

Bone, J. E., Griffin, C. L., & Scholz, T. L. (2008). Beyond traditional conceptualizations of rhetoric: Invitational rhetoric and a move toward civility. Western Journal of Communication72(4), 434-462.

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Storytelling for Social Justice: Connecting Narrative and the Arts in Antiracist Teaching

"Through accessible language and candid discussions, Storytelling for Social Justice explores the stories we tell ourselves and each other about race and racism in our society."

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Cautionary Tales

Lifeboat and Adjectives (document file included in this post - these are two examples of activities that were used in diversity trainings that did not end well, resulting in reinforced stereotypes and in one case, a major lawsuit - exercise caution!)

A Retrospective View of Corporate Diversity Training From 1964 to the Present

Who’d Be on Your Spaceship? A School Exercise Backfires in Ohio

Lucky Stores will Pay Millions to Women in Job Bias Lawsuit

Case: Stender v. Lucky Stores, Inc.

Alien Among Us (another version of Lifeboat)

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Presentation Materials

This includes our slides and the learning plan we used during our pre-conference workshop, including references. 

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Experiential Materials Used for Demonstration Purposes

(Air) Handshake Mingle:

Magic Spelling:

By the Numbers:


Poker Face:

Crossing Borders Education (Peer-led Dialogues):

Crossing Borders Education is a non-profit organization that specializes in interactive peer programs harnessing the power of film and empathic dialogue. They've developed virtual peer-led dialogue sessions based on their interactive program design and dialogue methodology. In our pre-conference workshop, we did an abbreviated demo version of the virtual dialogues, but applied it to an in-person context. If you are interested in applying the virtual dialogues within your institutional context, please contact CBE directly. 

Listening Deeply for Values:

Mindful Me:

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Forum 2021 YouTube Playlist: Vol. 33 No. 1 (2021): Special Issue on Assessment as Pedagogy in Education Abroad Author Interviews

This is a link to the full YouTube Forum 2021 playlist including interviews with authors of the invited articles in the Special Issue on Assessment as Pedagogy in Education Abroad from Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad.

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To Understand You, I Need to Know Me

This Frontiers article and YouTube author interview (each linked above) present a successful test of "an alternative for building intercultural effectiveness -- a glocal classroom (GC) pedagogy highlighting assessment as learning" (Dunn-Jensen et al., 2021). 

Authors: Linda M. Dunn-Jensen, Joyce S. Osland, and Pamela M. Wells

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Culturally Conscious Assessment as Pedagogy in Study Abroad

The authors in this Frontiers article (linked above) present "a case study for the use of assessment as pedagogy including an overview of the HEGC! [Higher Education in the Ghanaian Context] Program, assessment strategies used, and pedagogical incorporation for the course...[and] conclude with a list of implications for study abroad and assessment practices" (Martin et al., 2021).  

Authors: Jillian Martin, Candace M. Moore, Alexis D. Foley, and Kiyah T. McDermid

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Capturing Photo Narratives in Short-Term Study Abroad

This Frontiers article and YouTube author interview (each linked above) present a qualitative study in which "photo narratives...were collected and analyzed to understand the existing student experience across eight short-term study abroad programs from three different institutions in Texas" (Nguyen, 2021).

Author: Annie Nguyen

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Taking a Pass on Assessment Grades for a Career Focused Tour of the Middle East

This Frontiers article and YouTube author interview (each linked above) "explain the mechanisms the MEST [Middle East Study Tour] uses for assessment and how this aligns with the goal of the program to expose students to the real world of political struggles and career development" (Hardy & Totman, 2021).

Authors: Mat Hardy and Sally Totman

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Using the BEVI to Assess Individual Experience to Enhance International Programming

The authors of this Frontiers article (linked above) "document the implementation of intercultural learning activities throughout a semester-long course and a 9-day trip to Vietnam" (Grant et al., 2021). 

Authors: Jacie Grant, Kris Acheson, and Elizabeth Karcher

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Evaluating an Intensive Program to Increase Cultural Intelligence: A Quasi-Experimental Design

The authors in this Frontiers article (linked above) "compare[s] the effects of an intercultural development program on students' Cultural Intelligence (CQ) compared with students in a summer research program who did not receive the intervention" (Chang Alexander et al., 2021). 

Authors: Kristofer Chang Alexander, Luke T Ingersoll, Charles A. Calahan, Monica L. Miller, Cleveland G. Shields, John A Gipson, and Stewart Chang Alexander

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Constructing the Learning Outcomes with Intercultural Assessment: A 3-Year Study of a Graduate Study Abroad and Glocal Experience Programs

This Frontiers article and YouTube author interview (each linked above) "examine three years of pre-post mixed-method intercultural assessment data, along with teaching and learning practices and outcomes, to gain insights into how this work of instructional design for intercultural competence can succeed...[and also] provide[s] suggestions for improvements" (Cartwright et al., 2021).

Authors: Chris Cartwright, Michael Stevens, and Katharina Schneider

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Assessment as Pedagogy in a Compressed-Format Summer Physics Abroad Program

The authors of this Frontiers article (linked above) "examine the impact of assessment and instructional practices in a compressed-format physics abroad program for life science students from a large U.S. university system" (Ho et al., 2021). 

Authors: Hsiu-Zu Ho, Yeana Lam, Kelly Wahl, Eric Yao, Jackie Grant, and Padraig Dunne

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The Bentley Global Experience Initiative

This Frontiers article and YouTube author interview (each linked above) "briefly outline the assessment initiative and the curriculum design outline, with an emphasis on the creation of the Bentley Global Experience Initiative, a comprehensive program supporting faculty and students" (Berdrow et al., 2021).

Authors: Iris Berdrow, Samir Dayal, Shawn Hauserman, Natalie Schlegel, and Lauren Schuller

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Developing and Assessing Intercultural Competence during a Mobility Programme for Pupils in Upper Secondary School: The Intercultura Assessment Protocol

This Frontiers article and YouTube author interview (each linked above) "present an assessment framework—the Intercultura assessment protocol (IAP)....[and] shows the pedagogical value of the IAP" (Baiutti, 2021).

Author: Mattia Baiutti

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Introduction: Special Issue on Assessment as Pedagogy in Education Abroad

This Frontiers article and YouTube author interview (each linked above) "introduce the Special Issue on Assessment as Pedagogy in Education Abroad, which seeks to answer the question: How can we guide educators toward specific and intentional alignment of learning objectives, the learning context, and learner capacities and needs so that students achieve the desired learning outcomes?" (Acheson et al., 2021). 

Authors: Kris Acheson, Lan Jin, Aletha Stahl, and Katherine Yngve

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The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble (HBO Documentary Films)

In this documentary trailer, Yo-Yo Ma travels the world, shedding light on the collaborative and linguistic nature of music. 

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Music and Intercultural Learning

On This Day 7 October: Yo-Yo Ma Was Born

This article from George Predota describes Yo-Yo Ma's intercultural journey. 

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Music and Intercultural Learning

Yo-Yo Ma, Meryl Streep and the Genesis of a Musician

This blog post explores the historical and familial factors that impact the evolution of a musician- from Yo-Yo Ma's father, "It takes three generations to make a musician: the first to leave poverty, the second to go to school, and the third to master an instrument."

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Music and Intercultural Learning

Changed or Not?

This activity challenges participants to make meaning of their study abroad experience. They will choose a song that they feel is representative of their study abroad and analyze the song in relation to their experiences based on the four levels of cultural awareness.

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Music and Intercultural Learning

Social Justice Songs

The website in this activity lists social justice songs from throughout history and encourages learners to discuss social justice issues from a variety of perspectives. 

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Music and Intercultural Learning

Radio Garden (free radio from around the world)

After exploring this media resource, learners will be able to experience music and cultural discourses from global cultures by listening to live radio stations all over the world.

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Music and Intercultural Learning

Becoming Self-Aware of American Culture Thru Hamilton

The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand their own cultural rules and biases, as well as conduct research and critically analyze media that will help shape their responses to cultural biases. Participants will engage with the musical Hamilton, a show that details the life of Alexander Hamilton, but also provides an avenue for viewers to critically self-reflect on current American cultural practices. This activity will challenge students to critically analyze a piece of popular culture, conduct research, and understand new aspects of American culture.

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Music and Intercultural Learning

Music and Memories

This lesson plan challenges participants to connect with someone from a different culture through music. In this activity, participants will find a partner and share their favorite songs that are in some way emblematic of their home culture. They will share what the song means to them and discuss the emotions that the song evokes.

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Music and Intercultural Learning

Synthesis Through Song

Synthesis Through Song is a think-pair-share/small group activity where students work together to analyze and discuss song lyrics through the lens of cultural norms. The activity simulates the process of synthesizing resources.

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Music and Intercultural Learning

We Americans by The Avett Brothers (song)

“We Americans,” a song by The Avett Brothers, provides an interpretation on American life and culture. In this activity, participants will listen to the song/read the lyrics and discuss how their worldview affects their reaction to it.

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Music and Intercultural Learning

Identity Circles

This activity encourages participants to engage with and share characteristics and identities with which they resonate. 

*This activity does not provide participants with category prompts.

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Identity Molecule

Page 42 of the handbook link offers a lesson plan for Identity Molecule, an activity which asks participants to name five social categories with which they identify. This is the same activity as the first part of The Paseo (Circles of Identity). 

*This activity does not provide participants with category prompts.

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The Paseo (Circles of Identity)

This activity encourages participants to engage with who they are and how their identity influences their choices and actions. It includes two parts - the first, an individual guided reflection time, and the second, a time of sharing stories. 

*This activity does not provide participants with category prompts.

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Identity Beads

This activity engages participants' self-awareness by encouraging learners to reflect on the concept of identity and the identities with which they identify. Participants are also encouraged to explore diversity and the realities of identifying with more than one identity.

*This activity does not provide participants with category prompts.

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Circles of My Multicultural Self

"The Circles activity engages participants in a process of identifying what they consider to be the most important dimensions of their own identities. Stereotypes are examined as participants share stories about when they were proud to be part of a particular group and when it was especially hurtful to be associated with a particular group" (Gorski, n.d.). 

*This activity does not provide participants with category prompts.

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Personal Identity Wheel

"The Personal Identity Wheel is a worksheet activity that encourages students to reflect on how they identify outside of social identifiers. The worksheet prompts students to list adjectives they would use to describe themselves, skills they have, favorite books, hobbies, etc. Unlike the Social Identity Wheel, this worksheet does not emphasize perception or context. It is best used as an icebreaker activity or in conjunction with the Social Identity Wheel in order to encourage students to reflect on the relationships and dissonances between their personal and social identities. The wheels can be used as a prompt for small or large group discussion or reflective writing on identity by using the Spectrum Activity, Questions of Identity." (LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative, University of Michigan, 2017).

*This activity provides participants with identity category prompts. 

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Social Identity Wheel

In this activity, participants are encouraged to "consider their identities critically and how identities are more or less keenly felt in different social contexts, recognize "how privilege operates to normalize some identities over others," and appreciate "their shared identities...as well as the diversity of identities" (LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative, University of Michigan, 2017).

*This activity provides participants with identity category prompts. 

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The History of the AIDS Memorial Quilt

This quilt was built by San Franciscans based on the stories of their loved ones who had died of AIDS, to honor and continue their legacies. 

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Hidden America: An Intersectional Perspective

In 2009 and 2011, ABC aired two special episodes of 20/20 that told the stories of children and young adults living in poverty in two different parts of the United States. Children of the Mountains (2009) follows youth in Central Appalachia, while Children of the Plains (2011) follows youth that live on the South Dakota Pine Ridge Reservation. Although both groups face immense obstacles to overcome poverty, the children living on the Pine Ridge Reservation may have a particularly difficult time improving their situation because of several overlapping social identity markers that cause them to face discrimination.

This activity asks participants to analyze these two specials using Sisneros et al.’s (2008) web of oppression and the concept of intersectionality and consider how identity contributes to discrimination and disadvantage. According to the Oxford Dictionary, intersectionality is “the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage; a theoretical approach based on such a premise.” The term was first coined in 1989 by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a law professor and social theorist, in her paper, “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: The Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics.”

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Storytelling Project Model

"The purpose of the Storytelling Project Model is to help communities 'discover, develop, and analyze stories about racism that can catalyze consciousness and commitment to action.' While the model was originally developed for use with students in instructional contexts, it has been adapted for application in a wide variety of dialogue processes with adults and youth."

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